Well, this is the first entry for The Black Star. Yes, I do know it's pretty obvious, and no, I'm not this dumb all the time. But hey, I had to open up with something.
Okay, now that that's over with, have you noticed that the more you drink, the better the music sounds? It really shows how bad alcohol is. What you usually hear from your parents or your Health teacher is that it kills your brain cells and it stupedens you (see?), but for me the real problem is that it lowers your inhibitions. You see, brain cells are going to die anyway, be it because of pollution or because sniffing chalk (maybe they don't even exist! Maybe they're just made up by boring people to impede us all of having a good time...), but the embarassment that alcohol causes is sometimes irreversible.
For example, yesterday I was at a friend's house and we were having a few drinks. Then a few more drinks, and a few more after those few, which turned out to be not as few. So you could say we were somewhat drunk (well, I had a bit more to drink than my friend, so he was okayish). So well, I started "dancing" to anything he put, even some impressivly awful stuff. And when I say dancing I mean jumping around and hitting all the walls I can find in the process. I swear, I wish I could've knocked myself unconcious.
So well, after a while I got tired of hopping around the room making a fool of myself, so I leaned against the bed... and just started laughing. Yup, for no reason whatsoever. I don't remember what I was saying, but my friend was laughing along with me. And then we started cracking up... it was like a laughing circle! Only that with two people, so it's not a circle... a laughing wall.
Not only does alcohol make crappy music sound better, but it also encourages you to make stupid decisions... like going out for a drive at 3 in the morning and leaving your state...
Okay, now that that's over with, have you noticed that the more you drink, the better the music sounds? It really shows how bad alcohol is. What you usually hear from your parents or your Health teacher is that it kills your brain cells and it stupedens you (see?), but for me the real problem is that it lowers your inhibitions. You see, brain cells are going to die anyway, be it because of pollution or because sniffing chalk (maybe they don't even exist! Maybe they're just made up by boring people to impede us all of having a good time...), but the embarassment that alcohol causes is sometimes irreversible.

So well, after a while I got tired of hopping around the room making a fool of myself, so I leaned against the bed... and just started laughing. Yup, for no reason whatsoever. I don't remember what I was saying, but my friend was laughing along with me. And then we started cracking up... it was like a laughing circle! Only that with two people, so it's not a circle... a laughing wall.
Not only does alcohol make crappy music sound better, but it also encourages you to make stupid decisions... like going out for a drive at 3 in the morning and leaving your state...
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