The Black Star

A blog dedicated to the series of unfortunate events that always happen around me. Not so much unfortunate, more like funny.. but unfortunate sounds better.

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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

A Glimpse of Life

So it’s now been a while since the three of us have been living together. I thought I’d just post some things that we tend to do rather regularly and some predictions for the year.

So Jimmy and I have sort of made the habit of singing while washing up the dishes. I then later incorporated dancing in order to have singing and dancing. That’s right. If it’s not too late we have Queen blasting out and we’re singing along or if it’s a bit later then we just sing songs from scratch. But we’re not alone. Our kitchen window sees directly into another kitchen window (two houses down) and there are two guys that live there with a decent girl. We always joke that we dance for the girl and that she secretly watches us from the alternate window. We’re often (okay, fine, I’m often) looking out to see if she’s looking our way, but so far she’s doing a really good job being discreet (something I have to work on). Anyway, I predict that either one of us in my flat is going to get lucky with her (hopefully me) or the police are going to visit us sometime soon (probably me).

We were on a RockSoc night out and guess who I bumped into… that girl from a long, long time ago. You guys probably don’t even remember (I barely did), but the important part was that she approached me and asked to dance. Meanwhile we had a chat and all this and all that… and during the chat she told me she had stayed in Newcastle to work and I asked her where it was that she worked. She said something I didn’t understand so I asked again, but she again said something inaudible. I decided to leave it to not make me look like a deaf bastard (which I probably am, but I really can’t hear anyone over loud music). The conversation carried on for a bit more and then that silence came. All of a sudden she says “You should come visit me at work tomorrow--I’ll be there from 9 to 4” and walks away. Fucking hell! So well, obviously I couldn’t visit her the next day because I had no bloody idea where she worked and I couldn’t find her for the rest of the night to ask her again. If that first incident is anything to go by then my love life will be quite disastrous to say the least.

Today (the day of writing, not of publishing) I finished off my CV and was about to give it in, but I didn’t have a stapler with me and I don’t know of anywhere in the university that will staple things for you (probably the library, but I was at the other end) so I figured I’d just rush home to staple it. Remember I’m not living on campus anymore—I have to take the metro to get home (or alternatively walk). It’s a good thing I have a Student Metro Pass that let’s me go wherever I want at whatever time I want and however many times I want. So I got the Metro, went home, stapled my CV, urinated and got the Metro back to the city centre. So in total I was in my flat for less than 5 minutes. I can definitely see more of that happening this year.


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