The Black Star

A blog dedicated to the series of unfortunate events that always happen around me. Not so much unfortunate, more like funny.. but unfortunate sounds better.

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Monday, July 18, 2005

Anonymous Drive Through

So today not much happened, but in reality a lot happened. If you didn't understand that then good, because I didn't either and I'm writing this blog without knowing what to write. There were more than a couple events, but I think I'll keep it to the main and then make flashbacks on future posts (see, I did earn my A in English... erm).

First of all, I woke up at 7am today to watch the British Open. I haven't woken up that early since school finished (note: woken up, not been awake). So I guess I should congratulate myself on that... or kick myself for being daft enough to do it.

Okay, so a friend and I are starving, so we decide to go out and eat (no, it didn't take us forever to figure that one out). So we decide on Burger King because, well, it is the best Burgeree (so maybe I didn't deserve that A... but I deserved a better grade in French!) in the business. Once we're there, we start to park and when we look inside we notice that there are some former classmates of ours in there, the kind that we're trying to avoid. We had already parked right in front of the local, so we were viewable. Not thinking about it twice, we both start saying "drive through! drive through! drive through!" in a low but alarmed voice. My friend backed up gracefully onto the back of the line for the drivethrough. So we listened to Stairway to Heaven while waiting in line, and we waited for around 20 minutes for the line to move on and finally get our food. The way things work... as soon as we were ordering, they (my ex-classmates) left the restaurant.

That should give you a rough idea of how much we love our class (or ex-class). We actually go out of our way to avoid them... and I spent 14 years with these guys... and now that I think about it, I congratulate myself on taking so much crap for so long and not suffering from a nervous breakdown.


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