The Black Star

A blog dedicated to the series of unfortunate events that always happen around me. Not so much unfortunate, more like funny.. but unfortunate sounds better.

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Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Back to Basics

So I've come to the place in my career where it is make or break. You know when artists reach that dry spell in their careers (if they make it that far, because artists of today are crap) and they usually either come up with something extremely amazing that revives their careers and makes them global superstars again or they come up with something extremely shite that fucks up their careers (there it is, the first "fuck" in my blog... you've been waiting for it, haven't you?). Well, I'm hoping for one of the two right now, so just put up with my dry spell and you'll eventually be very pleased.

Anyway, thanks to all you guys that commented on my last post (yeah, Erc and Tiny). Tiny, thanks for the memories man... I have now remembered all those years of high school that I've tried to forget these past two months. My new nickname as of now is "J." That's right, just J. Who came up with it? Me. Why? Because I couldn't think of anything else. So there you have it... I forgot to put that on my previous post.

Well, I thought I'd try to end my dry spell with a situation Cal and I talked about quite some time ago. You all remember Mr. Ahnfeldt (for those of you who don't know him he was this very religious teacher that was always nice, no matter what--even when Tiny hit him in the face with a notebook). Well, he's having another baby. So it seems that he liked doing that thing he did. Anyway, that's not the point. We were imagining what it would be like when Mr. Ahnfeldt's children grew up, and then we tried to imagine Mr. Ahnfeldt's daughter in a tight situation.

Hope (that's his daughter): Daddy... I've got something to tell you.
Ahnfeldt: Go ahead, studess, you can tell me anything!
Hope: It's something bad...
Ahnfedt: There's nothing that can't be fixed. Come on, what was it? Did you throw the bear into the fan? Come on, tell me!
Hope: Well... I'm kinda... well, pregnant...
Ahnfedt: FUCK ME!

And that would be the first bad word Mr. Ahnfeldt would've said in his lifetime. But that won't happen, because we all know that daughters of very religious people don't fornicate, right.... right?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

aren't you eager to find out about that, eh???

3:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WTF man??? and what do you mean about that dry spell? the mean jokes ain't coming back huh?

3:09 AM  

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