On the way back
So I haven't written in a while... again. I've been pissed off, so I haven't exactly felt like writing. Actually, that's not true. I can liberate myself from piss-offed-ness (there you go, new word of the day) by writing, but what will happen is that I'll be really cruel and mean and bitchy and what not and then I'm gonna write something that really offends someone and I'm going to get in trouble. So what do I do instead? I shut up, put on some aggressive music and it's all good after a while. That hasn't worked this time around, so I'm still sort of angry/aggrieviated/whatever you want to call it, but well, I'm good enough to control my fingers.
So I have a rash on my right hand. No, it's not from petting the monster, Tiny and Ed, it's an allergic reaction to something. No, it's not from that, Tiny and Ed. So it has spread all over the top part of my right hand, but not onto my fingers or onto my wrist... just on the hand. Interesting. It's not on my palms either, so it's really weird. I really hope it wasn't a spider (I'm getting shivers as I write that) but I think it might've been some bug that bit me at the club. Bastard.
Anyway, I was watching this old AC/DC concert. It was in 1977, which means that they were popular but not legendary yet (Highway to Hell wasn't even out yet). So well, it's a pretty good concert, you can definitely tell it's AC/DC because of their unique noise. However, what catches my eye is Angus Young (the lead guitarist) coz he's jumping/running/falling/spinning all over the place. I had heard that he did lots of crazy stuff while performing, but I had no clue it was that messed up. It was very entertaining, nonetheless. It shows what a great guitarist the guy is, if he can still play his wicked licks while jumping/running/falling/spinning.
There's a part of the concert where Angus runs up the stairs to the second tier of the audience and plays while running up the steps and while making his way through the crowd. Then he falls on his knees next to this girl and asks for a kiss... and is denied. So he goes to the next one and he's snubbed again. He tried a third time--lucky third time--and he's rejected once again. So he just goes back to doing--whatever it is he was doing--and eventually comes back down to the stage. That got me thinking. If it would've been 1980 (or later) he wouldn't have been able to run though the crowd because all the women would've thrown themselves at him. I'll bet you that those three women attempted suicide for not giving Angus a kiss (I say attempted because they might've failed... you know, being women and all...).
Oh, btw, I found a math equation on women today on the internet(s). I'll share it with you, but by viewing it you are agreeing to not sue me or hate me or not hiring anybody to kill me (actually you can hate me if you want... just don't do the first and the last).
So I have a rash on my right hand. No, it's not from petting the monster, Tiny and Ed, it's an allergic reaction to something. No, it's not from that, Tiny and Ed. So it has spread all over the top part of my right hand, but not onto my fingers or onto my wrist... just on the hand. Interesting. It's not on my palms either, so it's really weird. I really hope it wasn't a spider (I'm getting shivers as I write that) but I think it might've been some bug that bit me at the club. Bastard.
Anyway, I was watching this old AC/DC concert. It was in 1977, which means that they were popular but not legendary yet (Highway to Hell wasn't even out yet). So well, it's a pretty good concert, you can definitely tell it's AC/DC because of their unique noise. However, what catches my eye is Angus Young (the lead guitarist) coz he's jumping/running/falling/spinning all over the place. I had heard that he did lots of crazy stuff while performing, but I had no clue it was that messed up. It was very entertaining, nonetheless. It shows what a great guitarist the guy is, if he can still play his wicked licks while jumping/running/falling/spinning.
There's a part of the concert where Angus runs up the stairs to the second tier of the audience and plays while running up the steps and while making his way through the crowd. Then he falls on his knees next to this girl and asks for a kiss... and is denied. So he goes to the next one and he's snubbed again. He tried a third time--lucky third time--and he's rejected once again. So he just goes back to doing--whatever it is he was doing--and eventually comes back down to the stage. That got me thinking. If it would've been 1980 (or later) he wouldn't have been able to run though the crowd because all the women would've thrown themselves at him. I'll bet you that those three women attempted suicide for not giving Angus a kiss (I say attempted because they might've failed... you know, being women and all...).
Oh, btw, I found a math equation on women today on the internet(s). I'll share it with you, but by viewing it you are agreeing to not sue me or hate me or not hiring anybody to kill me (actually you can hate me if you want... just don't do the first and the last).

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