The Black Star

A blog dedicated to the series of unfortunate events that always happen around me. Not so much unfortunate, more like funny.. but unfortunate sounds better.

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Friday, August 19, 2005

I'm back!

So I'm back from my holiday in the United States of Paranoia. Lots of funny things happened there, and I did write them down, but I don't have them with me right now (Cal, if you're reading this, give them back! I know you don't want me to write about them!). I'll just say I had a great time and well, this entry will be on what happened today with my friend Ercole.

Just one thing on the USP. They got my fingerprints when I entered the country, and when I was leaving I had to take off my shoes because of "security issues." That's the second lowest it can get. I had to walk through the metal detector crap in my socks (yes, they let me keep them on... I was surprised too). How embarassing is that? I wonder what's next. They'll probably make you take all your clothes off except your underwear. In a few years when the USP becomes more liberalistic in their ideals (LOL) they'll make you walk out completely naked. Bastards.

Anyway, I was talking with Ercole about some stuff, and he told me that he wanted to get the new U2 album, but he didn't want to pay for it. I told him that that was illegal and an unethical thing to do, that he should apologize immediately and go use iTunes and pay his 99 cents per track)*. Then we started talking about his soon-to-be-wife for some reason. There's a pause. Then he says "so, where should I do it through?" I know what he's asking me, but it was just to clear of an opportunity to miss: "I don't know, man, anywhere... it's your woman." I think he got a bit pissed at me, but whatever, he got it. Ah, the bastard me.

We then later went to watch a movie and while coming out we had to pay the parking (in the USP you don't have to pay parking... interesting). When it's our turn to pay, he hands the ticket and the money to the woman behind the counter, and all of a sudden she screams and jumps back. I though she had been freaked out by Ercole, but then, she wouldn't react that way, would she? What was all the fuzz about? There was a small tiny microscopical beetle on her keyboard. I'm not exaggerating. Talk about overreacting. Finally some guy from the line reached it and flicked it away. I wonder how she'd react before fainting when coming face to face with a cockroach.

You know what I just noticed? cockroach is the complete opposite when translated into Spanish. Cockroach; Cucaracha... interesting...

*I wouldn't say a thing like that. I just had to put that so that the US government would arrest me and make me walk through the prison door in my undies.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're a bastard, you know that??

and they (USP) do force some people into "cavity checks." yes, they check every possible cavity. and no, not dental cavities.

i should get my own blog just to hit it back to you...

1:46 AM  

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