The Black Star

A blog dedicated to the series of unfortunate events that always happen around me. Not so much unfortunate, more like funny.. but unfortunate sounds better.

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Monday, March 20, 2006

Fairies Wear Boots

So today was that special day--the day when I do my laundry. But not only that, Laudry Day coincided with Clean Up Day, which meant that I had quite a few things to do. Fucking hell, don't try doing both the same day, I can't tell you how knackered I am. I had two huge backs of laundry to do (massive bags... so much dirty clothes) and my room was so dirty that if I drew an X with my foot on the floor, you'd be able to see it (that much dust). So well, I took the dirty clothes to the laundry room and left them there while washing and came back to clean up. I practically moved everything from in here to out there (even though it also happened to be Clean the Flat Day) and then vacuumed. Before I could put my things back inside I had to go put my clothes in the dryer. So I go and come back. But I'm hungry so I get something to eat. And then it's time to pick up the clothes. It takes me at least 30 mins to take the stuff out of the drying because I have this obsession of folding my stuff as it comes out and neatly putting it in the bag (lol, you never thought you'd see me doing something like that, did you?). So by the time I get back, it's time to attend my 5 o'clock lecture. I didn't get any breaks. I left my door open, my window open, and all my stuff in my room (laptop, the jPod, wallet...) and didn't lock it. Not locking it wasn't the problem, I know my flatmates won't take anything, but leaving the window open is a big risk, especially if you're on the ground floor. But, oh well, I took the risk and I was relieved to see all my stuff there when I got back an hour later.

So what happened in lectures today? Well, one of my professors was saying some stuff and he got stuck. He tried sign talking, but still couldn't come up with anything, so he just said "thingy." Yep, just like Calabria. It's just weird to see people being influenced by Calabria...

We had a guest lecturer (one who looked like he came from the Matrix due to his very long leather jacket and Matrix-like hairstyle... three people thought about that simultaneously) who was a psychologists and he gave us a talk about the psychology of programming. Quite an interesting lecture, but the best part was his name: Greathead (pronounced "Great-Head). It's funny that a psychologists bears that name, but one of my mates thought about it in another context: "that's quite a name... I wonder what his wife thinks, it's a name you have to live up to..." Indeed.

In my programming lecure we were talking about searching algorithms and how you'd do to search some complicated stuff. He gave an example (this is Mr. Rasmuson with an southern English accent) that Dr. Phillips (my ex-programming professor that looks somewhat like the Emperor) used before, one where he uses his database of climbed mountains to see which ones he's climbed that are taller than Y, or which ones he's climbed that are at least Z of X (you get the drift). And he tells us that he's not quite the mountain climbing afficionado that Dr. Phillips is, perhaps because he isn't as fit as Dr. Phillips. And then he goes on to say "but well... we both climbed something yesterday."That was so out of place... so out of place. We just couldn't help but look at each other in horror.

You all know by now that my new found loves are Jaffa Cakes. I'm so addicted to them that I'll go out at 9:50pm in the rain (and the store closing at 10) to get some just because I got an urge (true story). Well, now not only do they come in orange flavour, but also in lemon & lime! I found out about this about four days ago and I've been meaning to go get some to try them, but I just haven't had the time (they're not in my local store, I've obviously tried there). But today, whilst at the Union looking for some food, I spotted some. I didn't hesitate to get them. I've just got to say that if I was addicted to the old ones, I'm fucking in love with these new ones. You all know how much I love lemon! Ah, if I had billions I wouldn't buy a football club, I'd buy McVitie's and keep a constant supply of Jaffa Cakes coming to my flat (or mansion in that case)...

I've been suffering from those days when you just can't seem to type anything correctly, you know which ones I mean. I can't believe I've written all these entries, I could've probably written three times as many any other day with the time it took me to write these. But hey, my debt is paid. And again, I'm sorry to disappoint. Thanks for reading!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You always dissapoint us jimmie, always

3:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tiny, you're a fucker...

and james, you didn't have to give me 18 posts... one kills the craving. but anyhow, this now forces me to work cuz i just read through too many posts

10:29 PM  

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