The Black Star

A blog dedicated to the series of unfortunate events that always happen around me. Not so much unfortunate, more like funny.. but unfortunate sounds better.

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Tuesday, March 21, 2006

A small pony

So today's not been an active day. And I mean it with every sense of the word. I had a lecture followed by a tutorial at 11am (which is quite late compared to what I'm used to) and when my alarm clock went off at 10, I snoozed it 30 mins. That should give me enough time for a quick shower. Then when it went off again I snoozed it for (around) 15 minutes... who needs a shower, right? When it went off again I just decided to sod it off. I can make the tutorial afterwards. I put the alarm for thirty minutes later. When it goes off, I decide I can miss the tutorial as well... so I do. Fuck.

The thing is that potentially that was the last programming class for this term, as he had told us that if he got through enough material then he wouldn't teach from Wed on (well, or get someone to do it for him as he's off to somewhere)... but now I don't know. I figured I'd ask James, but he decided to sleep in as well. Fucker. He told me I had no right to sleep in, but of course I do! He doesn't it much more often than I do... I deserve to sleep in once in a while! So yeah, I'm not sure what I'll do tomorrow, because that's my only lecture (and at 10)... so if I wake up for it and there's no lecture I'm going to be very pissed off. Fuck. I'll figure something tonight.

And well, the ultimate reason why I decided not to wake up was because I wasn't feeling at my best. I did manage to make my marketing lecture, but that was at 4pm (and right next door). My nose is running again, fuck. So yeah, I've just been resting up, just watching the telly and fucking about. I really can't believe it... before coming to England I had gotten sick about 5 times that I can remember (yep, all my life.. or my concious life... make that since I was 12) and since then I've been sick about 5 times. I blame the weather, but it might also have something to do with my diet. Hmmm. Oh, well, it'll go away.

But due to my inactiveness, I thought I'd respond to some comments, seeing it has become a practice for my readers to leave comments (yep, if you see carefully, you'll see two comments per post... lol). Thanks guys.

Starting back from my Wednesday post (pictures): Yes, Tiny, I would've joked with her if I was not drunk... but do I look sober? Do you think I would've gotten my bloody face painted had I been sober. Do you think I would've let someone take a picture of my painted face had I been sober? I don't think I remember how I got home (I definitely don't remember now... but maybe I did the day after that, who knows).

Re: Friday (St. Patrick's): Very kind of Erc to welcome me to his Old Boys Club (OBC). I'll be awaiting my official membership and the cheque that comes with it. And Tiny: Yeah, I guess I could've sweated some of it off, but I don't think I was sweating at all... it was fucking cold! I asked Ryan how many beers he had had and he said he had 9. I know I had one less than him so it was definitely 8. The reason why I wasn't feeling the effects though was because we drank them quite slowly and over an extended period of time. Liver digests 1 beer per hour, doesn't it? I'm guessing it's not a pint per hour, but the tolerance accounts for the bit left over... even if I haven't been drinking for a while. Tolerance doesn't get reseted, does it? Damn, I wish it would... that'd be well fun!

Re: Chavez (Sat): I think we've lived through quite a few things we can tell our kids about. There's the solar eclipse we experienced back in the day (not that we remember much, but we can make up stuff for them... what do they know? Kids are stupid), there's Bush (the tale of how such a moron could be elected US president... twice!), there's Chavez himself (I won't even bother puting an explanation for this one), Freedom Fries, and I'm sure some others will follow. If they don't then I'm sure we can make some stuff up.

Re: Foot scenario: I'm quite sure that if I tried both feet at the same time the best outcome would be me being knocked out for a couple of days. I might try it during Easter as I'll have plenty of time...

Re: horny girl: I don't think she was coming on to me, she was coming on to Tom (she made that remark to him, anyway). Although I've always thought that she fancies me (different stories... one of them walking her back completely pissed and the other the day after) but hey, it's not like me to go after girls that fancy me, is it? That would mean I'd be happy... I'm not happy. She's not the fittest girl ever, but she's not bad. She's better than I first thought (after practically exposing herself in front of us that night I got to notice) but hey, what do I know?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

she stripped for you guys???? WTF?!

5:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and hey, i can leave whatever number of commens I want... i'm in my right. see, in my nation, my people have rights so we can post as many times as i want.. unlike in the nation of Zlatan

5:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

finally, you responded to the comments, and ercole, you're nation isn't the shit

6:24 PM  

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