Choking the night away
So today I went to the doctor. Yep, that's how bad I was feeling. I think I didn't sleep for the fourth day in a row (and the way things are going, five will be extremely likely) and well, it was getting to me. I think the statement "I was shitting my pants" is an understatement. You have no idea how scared I was of going in there. James had to practically push me all the way there, then pin me down whilst there, and then drag me into the doctor's room. So much hassle for just two minutes of interaction.
I officially don't have tonsillities--not yet, anyway. I think that was the most useless visit to the doctor ever. She took a look, said that I was fine and told me to fuck off. Well, I'm not bloody fine if I haven't been able to sleep for four days because of the pain, am I!? Bottomline is that I have to wait until later when I'm nearing my death until the doctor can do something useful for me, as I just have a soar throat... even if I find it very hard to talk and eat. But hey, this could be a blessing in disguise. I've kept my mouth shut for most of the day... maybe I'll stop talking forever? Eh. Now I remember why I didn't trust the fuckers... but hey, at least I got away without an injection (I think that's the first time ever that I've been to the doctor and left without an injection)!
Earlier we were in our programming lecture (yes, that one most unfortunately) and all of a sudden this alarm goes off. So well, she keeps on lecturing for the next five seconds, but then she figures something's wrong. She doesn't quite know what it is, so she looks around very quickly and then figures something must be wrong. Well, maybe not: "Is that anybody's mobile phone?" she asks in her Russian accent. Everybody just laughs, obviously amused at what she had just said (which we figured was in a joking way, which was a bit funny... but it was most likely a serious question, so it was hilarious). Judging by our reaction, she goes outside to figure out what's going on; She's gone for a minute. Then someone says out loud what we've all been thinking: she probably buggered off and left us here to die, after all we've been quite cruel to her. But no, she comes back thirty minutes later with a techie and he types in the 5 character code and it stops. He then tells her that if it happens to go off again she should press a, b, c, d and.... Naturally we laugh at the circumstances. He then disactivates it again and gives her the code once more. Not a bad way to end our last lecture ever (well, for this year) with the Russian lady... at least I didn't fall asleep during that one!
Later on, while waiting for my appointment time to come, James and I went for lunch at Burger King's. They were playing some really dire music (y0u know, that new music kids listen to nowadays...) and then this hip-hop song came on, just instrumental, though. You could really tell how shite it was. Same monotonous beat over and over again. I felt like hanging myself, but then, I'll probably choke to death in a couple of days if my throat keeps on breaking down at the rate it is. Anyway, I finally let it out: "I can fart this song... probably even better than the original."
While we're still talking about excrements, a funny conversation took place yesterday between Nick (flatmate) and Steve. Joe (Steve's flatmate) went for a crap during the halftime of the Chelski-Barca match. After he got the job done they were meant to head down to the pub to watch the second half. Only that Joe took quite a long time to get the job done... he took the whole 15 minutes. Steve's quite annoyed, and he voices his desperation: "Okay, so you're meant to enjoy it when you take a shite--by all means, take in a magazine and read and have the time of your life... but when you're in a hurry, you just squeeze it and move on!" and Nick, who was just passing by just says "yeah, you should always enjoy a poo" and he disappears. I was never much of a poo-enjoyer. I just like to drop the log and get the hell out of there.
While we're still talking about hell, here's a closeup for those of you who are visually disabled. Remember that you can click the picture for a full-sized photo. Now, if you look under the label (clearly stating that's Hell) you will see the most racist thing ever.

I officially don't have tonsillities--not yet, anyway. I think that was the most useless visit to the doctor ever. She took a look, said that I was fine and told me to fuck off. Well, I'm not bloody fine if I haven't been able to sleep for four days because of the pain, am I!? Bottomline is that I have to wait until later when I'm nearing my death until the doctor can do something useful for me, as I just have a soar throat... even if I find it very hard to talk and eat. But hey, this could be a blessing in disguise. I've kept my mouth shut for most of the day... maybe I'll stop talking forever? Eh. Now I remember why I didn't trust the fuckers... but hey, at least I got away without an injection (I think that's the first time ever that I've been to the doctor and left without an injection)!
Earlier we were in our programming lecture (yes, that one most unfortunately) and all of a sudden this alarm goes off. So well, she keeps on lecturing for the next five seconds, but then she figures something's wrong. She doesn't quite know what it is, so she looks around very quickly and then figures something must be wrong. Well, maybe not: "Is that anybody's mobile phone?" she asks in her Russian accent. Everybody just laughs, obviously amused at what she had just said (which we figured was in a joking way, which was a bit funny... but it was most likely a serious question, so it was hilarious). Judging by our reaction, she goes outside to figure out what's going on; She's gone for a minute. Then someone says out loud what we've all been thinking: she probably buggered off and left us here to die, after all we've been quite cruel to her. But no, she comes back thirty minutes later with a techie and he types in the 5 character code and it stops. He then tells her that if it happens to go off again she should press a, b, c, d and...
Later on, while waiting for my appointment time to come, James and I went for lunch at Burger King's. They were playing some really dire music (y0u know, that new music kids listen to nowadays...) and then this hip-hop song came on, just instrumental, though. You could really tell how shite it was. Same monotonous beat over and over again. I felt like hanging myself, but then, I'll probably choke to death in a couple of days if my throat keeps on breaking down at the rate it is. Anyway, I finally let it out: "I can fart this song... probably even better than the original."
While we're still talking about hell, here's a closeup for those of you who are visually disabled. Remember that you can click the picture for a full-sized photo. Now, if you look under the label (clearly stating that's Hell) you will see the most racist thing ever.

That's supposed to be the sign of the devil, but the artist "accidentally" added a sixth point... which makes it a Star of David!
racist, anyone? great campus, jimmy boy
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