The Black Star

A blog dedicated to the series of unfortunate events that always happen around me. Not so much unfortunate, more like funny.. but unfortunate sounds better.

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Thursday, October 27, 2005


So I'm exhausted today. Not to mention crippled from yesterday's crusade. I was expecting to wake up and have this muscular body because of all the effort that I put in yesterday, but everything seems to be the same. Damn.

Anyway, I didn't drink the whole box of beer yesterday; actually, I didn't have a single beer. In order to celebrate my truimph over linux, I went to play some pool with my (flat)mate. Let's just say they weren't the best rounds of pool we've ever played (two cripples doesn't seem to be the best combination for a game of pool), but it was entertaining. I know you won't believe this, but I lost again because of... yeah, pocketing the 8 ball (well, the 2 ball... there was no black ball, aparently someone stole it).

Anyway, when we finally arrived back to the flat we decided to make ourselves something to eat, seeing that we were overstocked in the food department. I made myself a pizza (fine, put it in the oven and waited) and he made himself tacos. I finished off my pizza and he was only starting to eat his tacos, so he offered me one. They were delicious. Spicy as hell, but delicious. I ended up having about half of his tacos. Yep, I was full as hell. So full that I managed to go on today until 3pm without breakfast. I was starving by that time, but usually I wouldn't make it to 11 without breakfast. It was a good meal, I haven't been that full in ages.

Anyway, while I was waiting for him to arrive (we agreed to meet at the metro station as we were in different places), I decided I'd sit down and listen to some music as it was a pretty warm night. Well, after five minutes of being in the same place I started to get cold, and that's when it hit me. Newcastle is one of the safest cities in the UK. Why? It's too cold for muggers to stand around waiting for someone, it's that simple. I don't have any facts to back me up, but you know it makes sense.

Now this is the..uhm... messed up part. As I was waiting (and getting cold) I'm just looking down at my mobile, and I happen to look up and I see these two guys streaking. They weren't fully naked, they were wearing their underpants, but that's the closest to nudity that anyone will get to here. It's too cold to go the full monty. Anyway, they ran from the street onto the city centre, and then they ran back to the street... I've got no doubt at all that they were drunk.

Oh, I just remembered something that also happened yesterday when we went shopping. I leaned over to shift things from one bag to the other to make them more or less of equal weight, and this girl (with a group of girls) squeezes my bum, making a honk sound in the process. My flatmate and I just look in disbelief, and then she turns her head around, laughs, and semi-winks (whatever that means). First the boobs and now this... girls are crazy (no shit!).

Anyway, I'm surprised no-one picked this up from the last entry. I even left it there to get a response (a freebie) but no. Is no-one reading this shit! Damn... I'm wasting my time. Anyway, I said yesterday that finishing the linux assignment and making it work was the best feeling in the world. I was expecting someone to comment "you've got to get laid...". You missed it.

Weather watch: Lovely day really... sunny all day long, decent temperature. Trying to spend as much time outdoors as I possibly can. (Edit- Bloody hell! I just checked and it's 18 degrees! I'm gonna go tan myself!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should've gone back to this girl!!! fuck! james! you're wasting your time! yes, i'm overusing exclamation marks, but this moment merits it.. and yes, that was your opportunity to get laid! fuck! if you don't want to end like me (you know perfectly well what i'm talking about.. the italian-speaking girl also grabs my ass), then take action

8:25 PM  
Blogger Jimmie said...

She was a complete stranger, never seen her before... for all I know she might not even go to the same uni I do!

10:02 PM  

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