So today's been an eventful day. Eventful thanks to a chat I had with James last night, when I decided I was going to do something worthwhile with my time.
I wasn't able to travel this Easter because of many reasons. I had planned on staying the first week here, just to rest and stuff (and since it was Mother's Day the Sunday right after we finished, I didn't want to intrude in anybody's celebrations, etc). So well, I did stay for that week. Then the next week (week two) I was scheduled to go down to Manchester as that was a free week Ryan had, but James came up for that week because he had some commitments here, so I decided I'd stay and keep him company (seeing I was going to stay with him for a week... it'd be way rude of me to just leave him here alone). As it turns out, Ryan had stuff to do in the next two weeks (i.e. his free week was that one I spent here with James) so well, that puts off the Manchester trip--mostly my fault. Then I was going to go with James down to Essex, but I experienced problems with my credit card, so I was skint for about a week (if it wasn't because James lent me some money I would've been... kind of dead). Once I got the fixed, it took me a few days to get hold of James as he was doing some stuff for his parents in London, and by the time he gave me the all clear to go down south, it was too late. Sure, there was still a week left, but the cheapest way to get down there (that would've been flying) was a bit over 100 quid. That's a bit too much over the top, so I thanked him and stuff and promised to go during the summer (which actually suites me quite well as they'll be kicking me out of here two days after uni's over). I think he's a bit ticked off at me for blowing him off, but I'm sure he'll come to terms with it. His parents had bought me a big chocolate easter egg! Isn't that nice! He's going to bring it up to me when he flies in on Saturday.
ANYWAY, I decided I was going to go to the beach today. It's a "short" trip on the Metro, so why the hell not? Plus, on Wednesday's you can bowl there for 6.50 as much as you like for four hours. Students, that is. So well, the plan was to get up early and be there at noon (when the offer starst) and just bowl away. However, going to bed at 5am didn't help, so I was up at around 3pm. I still decided to go, seeing I had nothing better to do. Sure, I couldn't bowl anymore, but I can find stuff to do over there. And the sun doesn't set until about quarter to eight, so I'll have plenty of time. I also remembered that the Arsenal vs. Villarreal Champions League match was on, so I thought I'd watch it there as well. They've got to have pubs down at the beach, right?
So well, I did go to the beach. First things first. This bitch-hot woman got on the Metro about halfway there. All the guys just stared at her (I did my best not to... she was too close to me to risk it--if she caught me then who knows what might've happened) and who can blame us? An absolute beauty. But it wasn't just her physique, it was a combination of personality as well. Acting all bitchy and stuff made her seem sooooo fit!
I've got to say, the beach wasn't what I expected it to be. For starters, I had already been there. During Fresher's Week, they brought us here for some Quasar--I just didn't know that we were at the beach (well, one of them). So yeah, it wasn't as if it was a completely new thing (the way I wanted it to be) but at least that way I sort of knew my way around. Now the good thing. The view was magnificent. The sky was clear, the sun was out. The watchtower was out there with some Roman ruins right next to it and then some old looking buildings around it. A truly beautiful sight. Sight. Could've seen it for ages, but no way in hell I would've gotten in the water. It's hard to explain how it looked, though, because it's shaped in a really odd way. I wish I could've taken a picture and posted it.
I was inspired as I walked along the... the side of the beach? Ah, really hard to explain. But I did walk "along" the beach and almost to the watchtower (would've if they hadn't locked it up). The (strong) wind hitting me in the face, the smell of water... everything. Actually, I was playing "All Along the Watchtower" (Hendrix) in my head as I walked. I could've played the actual thing, as I had the jPod with me, but I preferred the silence for the first time. Then I looked back towards South Shields and it looked... good, but not excellent. The problem is that I've been to perhaps the best beach in England (Brighton) so well, this looks good but there's no way it can beat Brighton. And, just to point out, I didn't walk on sand (I told you it was weird! I walked along the beach yet didn't walk on sand), so I still stand in the same place I did a year ago in Punta Cana: I hate sand!
So yeah, I had my magical (hmm... am I turning into a fairy?) moment there, and as it was bound to get dark, I decided on going back to the town centre. I still had a couple of hours before the match started, so I thought I'd just walk around and then crash at the local there (where the beer was very cheap! I was stunned). However, it was after 6 and all the shops had closed and the people around the town centre were all going their different ways. I didn't have a good feeling about this place, I really didn't. I just got this strange vibe as I walked the (near) lonely streets. What worried me the most was that I could easily get mugged as I didn't know where I was walking. This isn't (technically) Newcastle where it's safe... and, I know where to go and where not to go in Newcastle... here I'm just wandering around. I was shit scared. And there was light. I made the quick decision that I best get out of there before it was dark, because I could really get in trouble. I can watch the match in Newcastle. So yes, I walked to the Metro and came back to Newcastle.
That's not the end, though. Not close. I get there a minute before the Metro arrives, so when everyone gets off (South Shields is the end of the line), and I have a full choice of seats. I choose the one I choose because, well, no obvious reason, just because. Then along come three mothers with their children, and they happen to sit right around me. And they're all kids, so they make a fuck load of noise. But that's not all, I'm surrounded by the fucking United Colours of Benetton plus one! You get the white blonde girl with blue eyes, then an Asian kid, and a black kid... then there's a fucking baby crying his lungs out. What are the odds?
They're driving me insane. And when I say insane, I mean I want to beat them all to death with a baseball bat. But I hold on. Damn kids. I actually got off the Metro two stops early in the Central Station. That meant I had to walk about thirty minutes back to the university. That's how much they were on my nerves.
I stopped at my pub on the way back, though. I just had to relax, and what better way than to do it in my favourite pub (this is where they play some decent music in my opinion, although at times they can play some dodgy stuff)? Well, it was one of their offdays so they were playing some really dodgy stuff, so I just stayed there relaxing with my pint until a few minutes before the match was due to start. Pity that they weren't playing good stuff.
So well, I go to the Crow's Nest, which is where I usually watch the footy (it's the best
atmosphere and stuff... plus it's easy to watch a match because of the way it's all laid out) and it's a quick two minute walk. Ah, I find a chair which is really good news, so I just relax whilst watching the footy. The highlight of the first half is a squirrel running wild at Highbury and the players just looking bemused and play having to be stopped. Henry also scores a goal, but it gets disallowed for offsides. I'm one of the many that jumps up in excitement but then sits back quietly. This girl in the table in front of mine looks at me and says "Too exited, heh?" I smile back at her and well, notice that she's got some funky non-English accent. I pay attention to what she's saying to the guy in front of her, and surprise surprise! Spanish. I didn't actually hear what she was saying, but I caught the infamous "Theta" (z) and that was all I needed.
So I ask them from what part of Spain they're from and stuff, and we talk for a while. Then, upon finding out that they're from Northumbra Uni and I'm from Newcastle, conversation sort of breaks down (the way it's supposed to) and well, whatever, nevermind. It was quite something to speak Spanish again, though. But you know what was the first thing they said? Well, at first they thought I was from Valencia (well, I am... but they thought I was from Valencia in Spain) but once I made it clear I was from Venezuela, they're like "ah, y como esta Chavez?" Fuck me. I make it completely clear that Chavez is not my favourite person, but they still bug away. She then asks if I keep track of the news in my country by watching the channels in the uni centre. She says that they can watch some Globo-something. I could tell they were shocked by my response: "Ah, yes, Globovision... no, don't watch that. They don't have live news anymore, now all the news has to be approved by the government, so I can't trust it. I just read what's on the BBC and other networks--news that's not directly manipulated by Chavez." If they thought I was kidding about Chavez before, this will have definitely washed away those doubts. Lol.
Surprises weren't over, though. One of the main reasons why I decided to go out today was because I didn't want to stay in with my flatmates. Like I've said before, it's not that I don't like them, because I'm sure they're okay people, but they sometimes annoy me. So yeah, I went out to get away from them. And right at halftime they walk into the pub! Fucking hell... Tom spots me and comes over (oh, yeah, now Tom's back as well...) but thankfully there are no seats. I decide I've had enough football and remember that there's a Battle of the Bands going on at Trillians where my mate's band is playing. I had forgotten about that (sort of) so I just leave and go there. By the time I make it to Trillians they've already played, so I apologise and all. But hey, had a good time at Trillians until we got kicked out at 11. Good place, really... if only it wasn't so damn expensive...!
So that was a recap of my day. Funny how either nothing or too much happens in a day, eh? Oh well. I was planning on going down to Sunderland tomorrow and then to Gateshead the day after tomorrow, but after my adventures in South Shields I decided walking around alone in a strange place isn't for me. I'll wait until my mates get back and then we'll fuck around to those unknown places. Yeah.
I wasn't able to travel this Easter because of many reasons. I had planned on staying the first week here, just to rest and stuff (and since it was Mother's Day the Sunday right after we finished, I didn't want to intrude in anybody's celebrations, etc). So well, I did stay for that week. Then the next week (week two) I was scheduled to go down to Manchester as that was a free week Ryan had, but James came up for that week because he had some commitments here, so I decided I'd stay and keep him company (seeing I was going to stay with him for a week... it'd be way rude of me to just leave him here alone). As it turns out, Ryan had stuff to do in the next two weeks (i.e. his free week was that one I spent here with James) so well, that puts off the Manchester trip--mostly my fault. Then I was going to go with James down to Essex, but I experienced problems with my credit card, so I was skint for about a week (if it wasn't because James lent me some money I would've been... kind of dead). Once I got the fixed, it took me a few days to get hold of James as he was doing some stuff for his parents in London, and by the time he gave me the all clear to go down south, it was too late. Sure, there was still a week left, but the cheapest way to get down there (that would've been flying) was a bit over 100 quid. That's a bit too much over the top, so I thanked him and stuff and promised to go during the summer (which actually suites me quite well as they'll be kicking me out of here two days after uni's over). I think he's a bit ticked off at me for blowing him off, but I'm sure he'll come to terms with it. His parents had bought me a big chocolate easter egg! Isn't that nice! He's going to bring it up to me when he flies in on Saturday.
ANYWAY, I decided I was going to go to the beach today. It's a "short" trip on the Metro, so why the hell not? Plus, on Wednesday's you can bowl there for 6.50 as much as you like for four hours. Students, that is. So well, the plan was to get up early and be there at noon (when the offer starst) and just bowl away. However, going to bed at 5am didn't help, so I was up at around 3pm. I still decided to go, seeing I had nothing better to do. Sure, I couldn't bowl anymore, but I can find stuff to do over there. And the sun doesn't set until about quarter to eight, so I'll have plenty of time. I also remembered that the Arsenal vs. Villarreal Champions League match was on, so I thought I'd watch it there as well. They've got to have pubs down at the beach, right?
So well, I did go to the beach. First things first. This bitch-hot woman got on the Metro about halfway there. All the guys just stared at her (I did my best not to... she was too close to me to risk it--if she caught me then who knows what might've happened) and who can blame us? An absolute beauty. But it wasn't just her physique, it was a combination of personality as well. Acting all bitchy and stuff made her seem sooooo fit!
I've got to say, the beach wasn't what I expected it to be. For starters, I had already been there. During Fresher's Week, they brought us here for some Quasar--I just didn't know that we were at the beach (well, one of them). So yeah, it wasn't as if it was a completely new thing (the way I wanted it to be) but at least that way I sort of knew my way around. Now the good thing. The view was magnificent. The sky was clear, the sun was out. The watchtower was out there with some Roman ruins right next to it and then some old looking buildings around it. A truly beautiful sight. Sight. Could've seen it for ages, but no way in hell I would've gotten in the water. It's hard to explain how it looked, though, because it's shaped in a really odd way. I wish I could've taken a picture and posted it.
I was inspired as I walked along the... the side of the beach? Ah, really hard to explain. But I did walk "along" the beach and almost to the watchtower (would've if they hadn't locked it up). The (strong) wind hitting me in the face, the smell of water... everything. Actually, I was playing "All Along the Watchtower" (Hendrix) in my head as I walked. I could've played the actual thing, as I had the jPod with me, but I preferred the silence for the first time. Then I looked back towards South Shields and it looked... good, but not excellent. The problem is that I've been to perhaps the best beach in England (Brighton) so well, this looks good but there's no way it can beat Brighton. And, just to point out, I didn't walk on sand (I told you it was weird! I walked along the beach yet didn't walk on sand), so I still stand in the same place I did a year ago in Punta Cana: I hate sand!
So yeah, I had my magical (hmm... am I turning into a fairy?) moment there, and as it was bound to get dark, I decided on going back to the town centre. I still had a couple of hours before the match started, so I thought I'd just walk around and then crash at the local there (where the beer was very cheap! I was stunned). However, it was after 6 and all the shops had closed and the people around the town centre were all going their different ways. I didn't have a good feeling about this place, I really didn't. I just got this strange vibe as I walked the (near) lonely streets. What worried me the most was that I could easily get mugged as I didn't know where I was walking. This isn't (technically) Newcastle where it's safe... and, I know where to go and where not to go in Newcastle... here I'm just wandering around. I was shit scared. And there was light. I made the quick decision that I best get out of there before it was dark, because I could really get in trouble. I can watch the match in Newcastle. So yes, I walked to the Metro and came back to Newcastle.
That's not the end, though. Not close. I get there a minute before the Metro arrives, so when everyone gets off (South Shields is the end of the line), and I have a full choice of seats. I choose the one I choose because, well, no obvious reason, just because. Then along come three mothers with their children, and they happen to sit right around me. And they're all kids, so they make a fuck load of noise. But that's not all, I'm surrounded by the fucking United Colours of Benetton plus one! You get the white blonde girl with blue eyes, then an Asian kid, and a black kid... then there's a fucking baby crying his lungs out. What are the odds?
They're driving me insane. And when I say insane, I mean I want to beat them all to death with a baseball bat. But I hold on. Damn kids. I actually got off the Metro two stops early in the Central Station. That meant I had to walk about thirty minutes back to the university. That's how much they were on my nerves.
I stopped at my pub on the way back, though. I just had to relax, and what better way than to do it in my favourite pub (this is where they play some decent music in my opinion, although at times they can play some dodgy stuff)? Well, it was one of their offdays so they were playing some really dodgy stuff, so I just stayed there relaxing with my pint until a few minutes before the match was due to start. Pity that they weren't playing good stuff.
So well, I go to the Crow's Nest, which is where I usually watch the footy (it's the best

So I ask them from what part of Spain they're from and stuff, and we talk for a while. Then, upon finding out that they're from Northumbra Uni and I'm from Newcastle, conversation sort of breaks down (the way it's supposed to) and well, whatever, nevermind. It was quite something to speak Spanish again, though. But you know what was the first thing they said? Well, at first they thought I was from Valencia (well, I am... but they thought I was from Valencia in Spain) but once I made it clear I was from Venezuela, they're like "ah, y como esta Chavez?" Fuck me. I make it completely clear that Chavez is not my favourite person, but they still bug away. She then asks if I keep track of the news in my country by watching the channels in the uni centre. She says that they can watch some Globo-something. I could tell they were shocked by my response: "Ah, yes, Globovision... no, don't watch that. They don't have live news anymore, now all the news has to be approved by the government, so I can't trust it. I just read what's on the BBC and other networks--news that's not directly manipulated by Chavez." If they thought I was kidding about Chavez before, this will have definitely washed away those doubts. Lol.
Surprises weren't over, though. One of the main reasons why I decided to go out today was because I didn't want to stay in with my flatmates. Like I've said before, it's not that I don't like them, because I'm sure they're okay people, but they sometimes annoy me. So yeah, I went out to get away from them. And right at halftime they walk into the pub! Fucking hell... Tom spots me and comes over (oh, yeah, now Tom's back as well...) but thankfully there are no seats. I decide I've had enough football and remember that there's a Battle of the Bands going on at Trillians where my mate's band is playing. I had forgotten about that (sort of) so I just leave and go there. By the time I make it to Trillians they've already played, so I apologise and all. But hey, had a good time at Trillians until we got kicked out at 11. Good place, really... if only it wasn't so damn expensive...!
So that was a recap of my day. Funny how either nothing or too much happens in a day, eh? Oh well. I was planning on going down to Sunderland tomorrow and then to Gateshead the day after tomorrow, but after my adventures in South Shields I decided walking around alone in a strange place isn't for me. I'll wait until my mates get back and then we'll fuck around to those unknown places. Yeah.
first of all, don't insult united colors of benetton, thank you very much... second, you're a fag for getting scared in broad daylight.
talking of squirrels, there are squirrels (and babby squirrels) living in the place between my window (the glass) and my window screen... yes, there's a nest.
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