The Black Star

A blog dedicated to the series of unfortunate events that always happen around me. Not so much unfortunate, more like funny.. but unfortunate sounds better.

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Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Another boring entry late at night

So I'm here in a computer cluster with a bunch of unknown people at 10:30pm just so I can chat with some of my mates back home.

And that's what I decided to do today... I thought I'd dedicate a day to talking to my mates before I got homesick (can you believe that out of the 6 people in my flat I'm the only one that hasn't gotten homesick yet?). So well, here I am, waiting... Cal's online, but he won't talk to me... why!?

Anyway, today was kind of a weird day. I had a late start (which means 10am... bastards, most of my flatmates have an early start at 11) and my lectures were actually short. One of my computing classes took 40 mins and my marketing lecture was only 20 mins. Will it always be like that? Oh, I can only wish. Tomorrow I've got a good day. Late start, at 10 again, and then only two lectures up to 12. Then I've got the rest of the day free so I can finish buying the stuff I need (everyone has the afternoon off on Weds). I wonder if the other people have any lectures tomorrow... it seems I'm the only person who has more than two lectures a day... the double of that, actually. One of my flatmates only has 5 lectures in the week! And he's got Friday off! See, if I would've done my uni research right I would've been doing that course instead of IS. IS, it seems, is the course with the biggest workload (even more than CS) after the medical sciences. The rest are just bums.

Okay, so let's see, something funny... I can't really say anything funny because I still haven't gotten to know people well enough to make fun of them. I hope I meet the English version of Tiny fast so I can entertain myself.

Ah, screw this. If nobody logs in in the next 30 mins I'm off.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry about that, Jimmie...

well, I've found it really hard to find another tiny over here.. i guess that people aren't THAT.. eh... tiny here.

and you guys ARE bums... granted, i'm on the heaviest possible workload (class-wise, not time-wise), but it's still only 3hr20min a day on average.


hope everything is going well!

10:57 PM  

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