The Black Star

A blog dedicated to the series of unfortunate events that always happen around me. Not so much unfortunate, more like funny.. but unfortunate sounds better.

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Sunday, October 30, 2005

Celebrating 60

So this is my 60th post for this blog. This means that I've posted twice as much as I did on the Tales... yet the Tales are still better. Damn it. Why haven't I found a Tiny yet!?

Anyway, yesterday was a great night (oh, it just started to rain... damn it), it was my one (proper) outing of the week. And yeah, I woke up with a terrible hangover and all... but I'm better now. Sort of. Anyway, I don't remember many details, just some basic things. I know I "met" some people from my course ("met" because I don't remember who they are today...). Then I remember how this girl was trying to give me her mobile number and I was too pissed to be able to write it down properly (hey, it's hard to read a mobile screen... especially if you're submerged under the influence). Damn it. I do have her name, though (I got it on my phone along with a wrong number) and I did my research today and found out she's a second year. Fuck me. And she was really interested in me... damn alcohol! I'm never drinking again (lol)! Anyway, I managed to come up with her email address, although there are two potential problems with that. One is that I'm not sure exactly what course she's doing (Latin American studies or Modern Languages... they're both the same!!) and there are two people with the same name doing those (same forename, anyway)... and two, I don't want her to think I'm a stalker (which she will when she recieves an email from someone she didn't give it to).

What to do... what to do...? I'll probably come up with a solution the next time I'm drunk.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

randomly email! and BCC them with an email in these lines...

"hi. i didn't get the chance to write your number the other night, so i was forced to look you up. blah, blah, blah.. so, what is your number?"

don't fuck up like in punta cana! god, she was gorgeous

1:52 AM  

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