The Black Star

A blog dedicated to the series of unfortunate events that always happen around me. Not so much unfortunate, more like funny.. but unfortunate sounds better.

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Wednesday, October 05, 2005


So this time I have a proper entry (you know, not those crappy ones I've been doing of late). About time, innit?

Anyway, quite a lot has happened since the last entry. The best thing that happened, though, was during my marketing class. To give you some background information, my marketing professor isn't exactly the most manly of guys (aka he's "delicate"). There, that's your background information. So he's telling us about some things related to marketing (no kidding!) and suddently the microphone starts to fail. He keeps on trying to speak on it, but it keeps cutting him off. But you see, he's like this rat that won't give up, and he keeps on attempting to speak on the microphone. Meanwhile, we're all laughing at the guy... and he keeps on trying to speak. So finally he realizes that perhaps he won't be able to use it, so he says "well, I guess I'm going to have to speak loudly... can you hear me on the back?" and this guy yells back "no!" So I guess he could read lips...

Anyway, that lecture was very hard to follow, not only because we had to try to hear his "delicate" voice, but because it seemed that everyone was dying. I can tell you that there were at least 20 people coughing each minute. The same thing happened during induction week, only that the guy had a microphone then so the rest of us living people could hear what was going on.

And as if that wasn't enough (the stupidity and the dying people), everyone decided to form a conspiracy against the professor. They decided they wouldn't answer any questions. So when he asked "so is there anyone that can tell me what type of market this is?" suddenly the whole room would go quiet (the dying people either held it in or just finished off dying) and he'd just look around, then look around again (see a pattern emerging?) and then give up with "okay, well, this is a...".

I'm hoping that Marketing will be the new Psychology, that would rock. Now that I've found my favourite class, I'm still in the search for the Geordie Tiny.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol. your "new psychology." this is highly amusing, i must add...

oh, in my attempt to find a tiny, i actually found a dumb twat... too dumb even for tiny standards (yes, tiny, i want you to read this!)

6:30 AM  
Blogger Jimmie said...


me want more information... I'm still in the search for one

...who would've thought Tiny's would be on demand? how sad are we?

3:47 PM  

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