The Black Star

A blog dedicated to the series of unfortunate events that always happen around me. Not so much unfortunate, more like funny.. but unfortunate sounds better.

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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Night of the Dead

So I went out yesterday. It was Halloween, so everyone was dressed up... except me. I decided to wear my Class of 05 polo shirt (the one with my name). Whenever someone told me that I wasn't dressed up or asked me what I was supposed to be, I said "I'm dressed as James Nicholson... if that isn't scary enough for you I don't know what is..." and then I showed them the picture in my cedula. I got away with it (but I did have a point...).

Before hitting the nightclub, I decided to go to a flat party in my building. I usually don't go to those because the music is crap, but the girls took the trouble to invite me personally (instead of inviting the whole flat) so I didn't want to be discourtious (I know it's misspelt). So I went up there and as expected the music was relatively crap. Not many people were there, though. Why? There was a better flat party in the flat below. How? They had strippers. Damn, I was going to go, but then us people from my flat decided to stay loyal to the girls. Plus, they looked so freaking hot in those black dresses and black pantyhoses.

I then headed off to a different nightclub than them (I don't know where they went, but I went to Legends, a rock nightclub, with one of my mates). The music was alright, a bit heavy and a bit dodgy. But it was good. There was a strange incident when this girl asked me if she could take a picture of me. I, of course, said yes. So she took a picture of me with this other girl. I was going to say "well, that'll be 3.50" but it was so loud I didn't bother. It just occurs to me at this moment that I might've known her...

There were a couple of tracks that made it all worthwhile. First there was Iron Maiden, and although I didn't know the full lyrics, it was a blast to... uhm, bash along. Then I really hurt my vocal chords while screaming Welcome to the Jungle... accompanied by lots of jumping, air guitar and rolling on the floor. By the time Bohemian Rhapsody came on, I couldn't speak much. But I couldn't let that go. I sung it loud and... "clear". Us four (we found a mate with a mate over in the club) performed a near perfect presentation of the song. I don't think I have to mention that I have no vocal chords anymore.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

go with the girls, dude, go with the girls!

and don't you love halloween???

1:07 AM  

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