The Black Star

A blog dedicated to the series of unfortunate events that always happen around me. Not so much unfortunate, more like funny.. but unfortunate sounds better.

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Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Sore Arses

So something did actually happen today, so I guess I'll leave some of the old stuff for later. What a great way to start... or restart!

Anyway, it turns out my flatmates spent 8 hours watching the telly today (oh, yeah, we got a TV license, going against everything we hold dear and believe in (so in my case nothing...) but oh, well, it wasn't much overall). By the time one of them stood up he emphasized how he couldn't feel his arse. Which is funny, because when he did stand up you could see that he had been sitting on another of my flatmate's glasses, to which he says "Oh, that is where they've been... I've been looking for them for hours!" and, of course, the glasses were shattered because that flatmate had to be the rugby player (aka a very big guy). It was funny how he had been sitting on them for quite a long time and never felt a thing. No wonder he had a sore arse. But it was my other flatmate who definitely ended up with a numb butt. He ended up watching the telly for over ten hours... now that's productivity. He didn't finish watching the film were were watching because he thought it'd be a good idea to get some sleep... and also because the film had been going on for more than two hours and there was still no plot nor anything, just this guy raping the love of his life (yep, you read it right). As soon as he got up and left, the plot kicked in and then later a huge twist occurred... and as it turns out it was a very good film. But, of course, he missed it... unless he managed to make out the whole thing when he came out about 20 minutes later to tell me he had taken the coldest shower ever... yeah, he was pissed. But could you blame him? As he said it himself, he had started to watch the telly at four in the afternoon, and he had been drinking all the way to the end. Say he takes 20 minutes to finish a beer... that's a lot of alcohol!

I don't think anything beats what another flatmate and I did the day before... we managed to sit through the whole Hannibal trilogy all in one go... and we started at 1am. Yep, productive days at the uni indeed.


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