The Black Star

A blog dedicated to the series of unfortunate events that always happen around me. Not so much unfortunate, more like funny.. but unfortunate sounds better.

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Tuesday, November 22, 2005

A little bit of this and a little bit of that

So I went to the comedy thing yesterday. Why? Simply because it was free. Turns out it was great; hilarious. We all laughed our guts out. Especially when the guy kept picking on the lads from the front row, labeling them as extrovert gays. He told us to expect a public orgy from them. Ahh, what a bastard. But the bastardest of all was the last one, who especifically picked on one of the guys in the audience, telling him that he shouldn't go out because he would get beat up by everyone. When asked what he studied, he responded with "I'm doing a PhD." "PhD on what? It might be on something totally shite. Is that your pickup line? 'I'm doing a PhD.' Gotta do better than that, mate. You're not getting laid, are you?"

Then there was another guy who was doing agriculture. "Ah, studying up to be a farmer... nah, only joking mate" the comedian commented. The guy just shrugged and affirmed he intended to be a farmer. The comedian certainly didn't see that one coming, because he just ended up saying "it's fucking weird when you pick on someone and they just accept it."

There were parts where I was so freaking close to crying. But because I really didn't know the people too well, I tried my best to hold it in. I don't remember what it was that almost triggered the tears, but I wish I did so that I could piss myself laughing again.

Anyway, today I decided to chill and watch the Man Utd vs. Villarreal match. I had originally planned to go watch a film at the cinema (because I'm special I can get a discount, meaning I can watch a film for only £2.50), but I had to watch the game. So that was the first of my things to change (remember I had planned my week completely). Because I don't have a TV, I had to go down to the pub to watch it. A mate came down with me to support my loser team (and his name happens to be James...). So well, I won't comment on the match, all I have to say is what I've said for the past months: Rooney is a fucking genius. In two years time he'll be the best player in the world, no doubt about that... and that probably will mean he won't be playing for Man Utd... but fair enough, he deserves better.

After the match we stayed talking until we were kicked out of the pub. As it turns out, he doesn't know too much about music, but he's pointing in the right direction. My goal is to introduce him to some good stuff by the end of this calendar year. AC/DC and Led Zeppelin for sure. So now I've got goals!


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