The Black Star

A blog dedicated to the series of unfortunate events that always happen around me. Not so much unfortunate, more like funny.. but unfortunate sounds better.

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Thursday, November 24, 2005

The Irish Invasion (I-I (pronounced "ay-ay"))

So I remember what the comment that almost made me cry was. The guy was going on about how Starbucks had saturated the market and how they had taken over everywhere, ripping off customers of all ages. But then he told of of a place down close to Leeds in Yorkshire where they actually have two Starbucks locals in the same street. That's not it, though, they're right in front of each other. He enlightened us by telling us why they had done that: to rip off persons with Alzheimers. Why? Well, they go into Starbucks and have their coffee with their breakfast and stuff. Then when they come out the first thing they see is a Starbucks, so they go "ah, Starbucks!" and go in to have something. Then when coming out it happens again. And again. And it's a vicious circle of ripping off.

Anyway, I had an event that I wanted to write about today, but I've forgotten now. What I can tell you, though, is that I ran out of bread and had to go get some at the convenience store. So what, you say? Well, it was 1 degree, and the winds were strong as hell (I put my hood on and the wind blew it off!). But, all in all, it wasn't as cold as I expected it to be. Very bearable, actually. But yeah, I was nuts enough to go get bread in those conditions.

Well, today my flat has been invaded by Irish guys. And by invaded I mean 9 Irish guys came in and took over the common room (which is only fit to fit around 7 people). To do what? Play footy on the PS2 and drink. They brought with them a case of 24 pint cans, and by the time most of them left (that would be around 45 mins later) they were all gone. Damn. At the time of writing there are still 5 of them (including my flatmate) out there, speaking in their own incomprehensible language. I do understand a bit, though, and as it turns out it is my flatmate the one that has the worst accent.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

man that starbucks thing is awful, but clever. :)

so they actually allow you guys to have alcohol in the dorms? Because from what I've heard in the US, if you're found within a 500-mile radius of any alcoholic beverage, they will cut your balls off, stuff them down your throat, and give you the Heimelech maneuver. But then again, it's London... I don't even know if they use that maneuver there.

2:26 PM  

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