The Black Star

A blog dedicated to the series of unfortunate events that always happen around me. Not so much unfortunate, more like funny.. but unfortunate sounds better.

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Monday, November 21, 2005

It's one of those days

So, well, today's today. That's perhaps the stupidest thing I've written in this blog, and, mind you, I've written about Tiny (miss you Tiny!!!).

Anyway, I went to exchange the faulty camera today. I got ready for fighting, lots of verbal abuse, and pretty much traced every option to make sure I had a response for anything they said. I wanted my £9 back! So I go in the shop, tell the lady that I bought a disposable camera on Friday, went to Edinburgh on Saturday and it broke down for no apparent reason and that I wanted to return it (that's actually what I said, almost word for word... should've put it in quotes instead of writing this very long explanation). She asks me if I have it and if I have a receipt. I say I do and I give her both things. Without even checking if the camera works, she just enters a couple of things on the computer and gives me back my £9 and apologizes for the inconvenience. Well, I didn't expect it to be that easy, but well... good for me. I bet you're all disappointed because you expected me to have a fight and something... well, so did I... but well, better this way, it means I can go back and shop there!

Well, aside from that there's not much to tell. I donated to charity today ("WHAT!?" you say?) and also read a chapter for Marketing ("WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!? you yell?). Now I'm just killing time in the cluster room until my next lecture. Oh, I've planned my whole week out, which means I'll have something to do every day for this week (Mon-Sun). Today I'm going to a comedy thing at the Union, I'll let you know tomorrow how it was.

Oh, I've also sent the pictures to a selected few of my readers. I read the comments on the previous post after I had sent it, so I didn't send the picture of the girl, sorry. If you didn't receive the pictures then you can email me asking why and I'll reply with a huge print and bold "fuck you!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ohh yeah, returning stuff in the states is a piece of cake! I went in and bought batteries in the states, and they didn't work, and I went to return them and I told the salesmen "well, I put them in and they just didn't work--" and before I even finished the sentence, the woman just grabbed the camera's from my hand, threw them in the trash, and gave me my money back, like kinda telling me to shut up. I didn't mind :)
Here, you pretty much have you verbally abuse the person for them to even LISTEN to you, and after you got their attention, you practically have to assrape them for them to give you what you want. But yeah, hurray for developed countries who don't give you shit when you return shit!

8:21 PM  

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