The Black Star

A blog dedicated to the series of unfortunate events that always happen around me. Not so much unfortunate, more like funny.. but unfortunate sounds better.

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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Shout at the Devil

So today's been bloody freezing. Not as cold as yesterday, though, when at a point it was -7 degrees (when I left the flat to go to lectures, how convenient is that?), but still in the minuses. I feel I have been lied to. I was told that it rarely goes into the minuses here in Newcastle, and that's two days in a row. Unacceptable. And you know what's even more unacceptable? It hasn't rained, as it if had, then it would be snowing and at least I could be marvelling at something while freezing. But no, not even snowing. Unacceptable I say!

Erc, congratulations on your gf (now expect Tiny to send you a very stupid email). Yes, we keep on with public communication menthods, did you expect any different? I just read your comments on one of the past posts, I was unaware that there were comments until a mate told me that some fag had written a comment where he expressed his love for me (just joking... he called you a bi).

Well, I'm glad that I now have an audience reading my blog (well, at least one outider who doesn't know me). I'm even considering putting ads in my blog to see if some of the outsiders click on them and I can get some ill-earned cash. Yes, I'll sell my soul again, I've done it before and I'll keep on doing it until I run out of souls. But well, I know she only reads it because she's with you and you force her to (you force her, right?)... but I don't mind as long as she clicks on the ads (see, now that idea is off because Google will sue me for promoting the click of ads within my blog).

And what's this thing about a dirty freak? Why would she say something like that? I am a bastard, I admit that, but I do too have feelings sometimes. Doesn't she shower in a state of nakedness? I thought that was a common thing to do...

Anyway, public communication over now. This is the actual blog entry for today. Although I did start on the top but I went off track (surprised?)... whatever, just read on.

I've been angry for the past few days, so I've been trying to listen to angry music (because, you know, that's what you do... you listen to angry music when you're pissed off, that's why you call it "angry music") but I found out that I don't have enough angry music. I have all the classics for angry moments (take for example Break Stuff... perhaps one of the best songs ever to listen when you're really pissed off), but I don't have enough to sustain a week-long marathon. I also found out that I don't have much romantic music (well, not really surprised about that one... I actually have more than I thought I did) and I definitely don't have much happy music (as I told Calabria, a reason why I don't like the Beatles as much as everyone else is because they're happy-jumparound music).

So what do I have? Well, as Calabria put it this Christmas (and many many times before that): depressing music. I beg to differ, but seeing it's not happy, nor angry, nor romantic, then I guess he must be right. Maybe that's why I've got mood swings and all... but then I have to change what I listen to, as this is my last year in my teens, and after this I'll have no excuses for being pissed off for no reason. However, I guess my state of piss-offed-ness might be a direct consequence of the cold. Oh, well, doesn't matter, I don't need an excuse. If Calabria can be depressed for no reason then I can be angry for no reason aswell. Well, for now I'll just listen to Motley Crue and Iron Maiden... Iron Maiden mostly to piss off one of my flatmates.

Here's some news for you people: I've stopped drinking. Yep, I have. And why's that? Well, I'm addicted to biscuits. Not just addicted, but like hardcore addicted. I average a pack of biscuits per day, so I decided to give up drinking in order to fund my addiction to biscuits. Yep, biscuits are my new drugs now.

Well, that's it for today. I'm gonna go keep on listening to the Crue and finish the pack of HobNobs that is lying beside me... half empty because I ate half of it while typing this entry.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

me: gf, my best friend has dedicated a blog entry to us
rommate, hallmate: how sweet!
gf: i don't even know this guy!
roommate: yeah, he seems to be a stalker.
hallmate: yes
roommate: kinda sketchy

so.. yeah. i'll make sure she posts something when she reads this post.. that is, if she does

6:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, and thanks for calling me the devil... fucker

but i do identify

6:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg!!! the world is going to end!!! ercole has a gf besides AoE!!!! NOO!!!
well dude congrats and you should post or send some pics. Im pretty sure it was the native card if you know what i mean

9:58 PM  

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