The Black Star

A blog dedicated to the series of unfortunate events that always happen around me. Not so much unfortunate, more like funny.. but unfortunate sounds better.

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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Best of You

So first of all I'd like to wish a happy Valentine's Day (the most useless of days) to all those people out there with a loved partner (notably Cal and Erc). Had it not been for bad luck I could've been having my own little Valentine's celebration, but well... it's me.

I have adopted this new trend (one that I set yesterday) of walking around with only a t-shirt. The past days have been really nice, averaging 9 degrees, with the high being 10 and the low 8 (wow, I am good in math!). This is warm, despite what many of you might think (Erc and Rod will agree with me), so I figured I might make the most of it. I went to the gig yesterday without a coat (that was about an hour and a half return walk) and to my lectures today without a coat. Yep, I'm nuts. I can expect the cold to hit me sometimes soon.

I got one of my exam results back today: my programming exam. I thought I had completely fucked this exam, mostly because in the code-writing part I just wrote what I thought was right and didn't even proofread... not because I didn't want to, but because I had no time. Everyone I talked to agreed that it was a very hard exam. So yeah, I was very concerned about it, especially since I'm known for those stupid mistakes. Things didn't improve when today I was asked what my exam result was. I didn't know, I had no clue that they were up. I later run into a bloke from my course and he asks me what my result was and I again tell him that I don't know. He goes on to tell me how he found out yesterday, and he found out because there were loads of guys crying and running around in the clusters because they had failed the exam. That didn't help. So I come back to the flat and do a bit of web surfing until I decide it is time. I check and it turns out the I A'ced the exam (didn't get a 100, but I got an A). So much worrying for nothing. So now I'm in a good spirit, which is why I've written so much today (those of you who know my technique will understand what I'm on about). Hooray! (Hey, that should've been the title for this entry, not the last one... oh, and just so you see how good I am, I just noticed that the entry "The Brown Bomber" actually makes sense... because you see, Steve's last name is Brown and he totally bombed that night... and I didn't even notice, genius!!)

In other news, I saw a thing of Vaseline in a girl's purse today during my marketing lecture. What it was doing there I don't know (and don't think bad of me, it's not like I was purposfully looking into girl's purses, it just happened to be so blatantly obvious that I had to look), but now I understand why girls don't let you look into their purse. I wonder what else they carry... (yes, you know where I'm going with this)


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