The Black Star

A blog dedicated to the series of unfortunate events that always happen around me. Not so much unfortunate, more like funny.. but unfortunate sounds better.

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Monday, February 13, 2006


So today was quite an eventful day. Mostly because of one big event, but still eventful.

I'll start out with the morning. So we were at the clusters during our practicals for one of our modules, and we were basically working our our coursework (at least that's what I think we were doing... I wasn't aware of any other instructions). At the end of the period, ie an hour, we all start to leave and one of the guys from my course asks me if I've managed to get along with the coursework. I say I have, that I've finished it, only that I have to re-upload it to the other server because the validation wanted to screw me so I had to change some things. He asks me if he can look at it and I agree (seeing he can't really copy this... and if he does then he'd be well stupid to do so because... well, you just can't copy it) and he seems well impressed, even though it's nothing from the other world. In fact, it's not my best effort, but it meets all the criteria and I can't be bothered to work on it any further (yeah, that'll get me through life, wont' it?) and then he calls out to another guy: "Hey, James seems to have managed it... he's got everything, pictures and all!" and the bloke calls back "Of course, he's James!" and at that moment I didn't know if to feel complimented or insulted. Probably a bit of both. It couldn't've been too bad as they're "mates" of mine, but it did carry at least a tad of malice.

In the next lecture (as in next module's lecture.. the lecture following the practical happened to be for the same module as the practical) we take a personality test (don't ask how this has to do with technology... well, it does to some extent, but well, whatever, nevermind) and--surprise surprise--I find out that I'm a cold hard bitch. Thinks just keep on getting better.

I skip my programming lecture, first lecture so far this academic year that I miss. Felt great, mostly because I wasn't contemplating killing myself like I usually do at the lecture.

So this was the big night when we got to watch the Darkness (that's part of the reason why we missed the programming lecture... we didn't really have to, but we thought it would help us go into the gig with a positive state of mind). Great gig. And things started to happen even before the show started.

There was this 80's song, where the female singer repeated over and over "when I think about you I touch myself"... intriguing. Me too, darling, me too. Anyway, right before the concert was due to commence, there was an announcement that went along the lines of if something goes wrong and there's a fire or something, the exits are here and there and yada yada yada... "and, should there be an emergency, the show will stop." Well, no shit, Sherlock! I would've thought that if there were to be a fire the first people out of there would've been the band... it's not like in the Titanic where the band played on...

So like I said, the show was really good, very Kiss-y (lots of fire, explosions, eccentricism, lights... did I mention explosions and fire?) and very entertaining. At the beginning Justin Hawkins, the lead singer, came out in a huge pair of boobs and made all kinds of derrogatory comments about tits and shit (lol)... talking about boobs, there was a girl about four people across from me who was on her boyfriend's shoulders... flashing the band... and the crowd. She didn't actually take her bra off, but damn, she didn't need to. Exquisite. I wouldn't've complained if she had taken the bra off, though.

There was also a part (during the last encore) where the lead singer (he's also the lead guitarist) came out attached in this weird thing, floating around the crowd, doing summersaults while playing an extended guitar solo. There was a point when he was only four feet from me (above me). I was hoping and hoping that he'd drop the guitar... but then I was glad he didn't. As my mates later explained, had that happened I either would've been knocked out by the guitar, or had I caught it I would've been knocked out by the hundreds of people jumping on me to get it (including them).

There was also a point where he tried to take his shirt off, but he couldn't. And when I mean he couldn't I mean he got stuck halfway while taking it off. He ran from side to side trying to take it off but nothing. Then he tried to rip it and he couldn't. Finally it gave up and it ripped, midway through the song. After the song he commented "that's the dictionary definition for 'wardrope malfunction... bloody hell!'." Very true, indeed, and amazingly hilarious. We might've not packed the house (Newcastle was the show in their UK tour that sold the less tickets... hopefully that's not true in the world tour) and we might've not experienced the most flawless of shows... but all the little things that went wrong made it priceless, something you won't be able to see on the DVD when it comes out.


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