The Black Star

A blog dedicated to the series of unfortunate events that always happen around me. Not so much unfortunate, more like funny.. but unfortunate sounds better.

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Monday, February 06, 2006

El Loco

So I'm really not sure what to write about in this entry. I had an idea yesterday, but I've been very busy (in my own way) and I've forgotten what that was. I'd put up an old story thing, but I lost the paper where I wrote them and I can't remember any. How great is that?

By the way, the last entry's title "Another Day At the Races" is actually a proper name. It sounded familiar to me, but I thought that was because I had said it before in my mind, but as it turns out, there's a Queen album labeled: "A Day At the Races." Not exactly the same thing, but perhaps close enough to get a lawsuit? Please don't sue me, I had no bad intentions. Plus, i love Queen.

Here are some quick facts about me recently:

-I have only drank half a bottle of vodka since I got back... I've got a full litre still waiting (shame on me!)

-My room's a complete mess. I can still find what I'm looking for, but everything's all over the place. Yet, everyone that's come in my room have told me that my room is very neat. Bloody hell!

-My Cocosette box still has some inside. I actually just noticed I had some left.

-One of my flatmates (the politics major) and one of my mates think I'm a communist.

-I haven't taken any drugs (medicine) since I got back from Christmas vacation

-I have a Bible in my room (I mean an actual Bible, not just my marketing book)

-My room's "as hot as hell" and "the hottest room they've ever been in" according to most people who've come in. I don't feel a thing... might be because I'm from a tropical country?

-I saw the best arse ever yesterday (in England)

-I've got more biscuits than actual proper food at my disposal

One last thing, I'd like to send a message to Erc. You say you should get a life because you've read more than 100 of my entries... I say I'm the one who needs a life, because I'm the one who's written more than 100 fucking entries!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

why don't we both get lifes??

and..... there are nice asses in england?? are you sure weren't hallucinating?

please go for that girl.. ask her out to dinner. please.

10:11 PM  

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