The Black Star

A blog dedicated to the series of unfortunate events that always happen around me. Not so much unfortunate, more like funny.. but unfortunate sounds better.

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Thursday, February 02, 2006

Monkey in the Mirror

So I'd like to congratulate myself for posting 100 times in this blog. This is actually the 101st post, I just noticed, so I'd like to congratulate myself for posting more than 100 times! I really appreciate my work and commitment to the cause, and I'm very proud of myself (feel free to post a comment with the above, just addressing it to me).

Anyway, not much to tell today, woke up late because I went to bed late entertaining a mate of my flatmate's (the guy we went to the gig with). My foot hurts today... I wonder if it was because of the jumping or because of the various times I got stepped on...

I've really tried to beat myself up for not having a camera (yeah, I've tried but I haven't succeeded because I couldn't be arsed to). There have been plenty of times where a picture would've said a million words, and those moment will not come back. Take, for example, a star that was drawn onto the door leading to Hell (if you've read the blog before you'll know what I mean... if not then start reading!). It was meant to be a five point star representing some satanic symbol. However, the person either fucked up, or was ignorant, or just plain racist, and drew the Star of David onto the door. That is perhaps the most racist thing I've seen (but I haven't been to Spain, so I can't say I've seen much), a direct condemnation of Jews to Hell. Tut tut. But funny all the same.

Also, there was a time when I was with Ryan in the kitchen and there were no clean spoons. He wanted to eat his yogurt, but he didn't want to wash any spoons, so he grabbed the only clean spoon, which happend to be this motherfucking big spoon used for cooking (not the wooden one, that would've been classic) and attempted to eat with that. A picture of that could've made it to... erm... some prestigious place. When he finally realized it wouldn't be possible to eat with a spoon of such dimensions, he gave in and threw the yogurt away. Lol, no, he just washed a spoon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ryan is a ... dumbass. that's all i got to say

and james, i've read over 100 of your entries??? what the fuck.. i need a life

2:07 AM  

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