The Black Star

A blog dedicated to the series of unfortunate events that always happen around me. Not so much unfortunate, more like funny.. but unfortunate sounds better.

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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Me(n)tal Riot

So I just want to start off this entry by telling my friend Ercole "I told you so." If you read the last post carefully, you'll see that I told him to expect a stupid email from Tiny... well, I was right, only that it turned out to be a comment instead (maybe he sent an email, I'm not certain, though). I am good... well, didn't take much brains to figure that one out.

Anyway, today I went to a concert. It was a speed metal/thrash metal/some kind of metal (who knows the difference?) gig, and I have no idea how I was persuaded to go, but hey, it was quite an experience. First, at the beginning (aka when the support band was playing) everything was quite normal, you know, what you'd expect (a lot of fuck yeah's from people with very long hair). But as soon as there were signs of the main band (Dragonforce) coming onstage, everything all of a sudden got packed. My flatmate and his mate ask me if I want to follow them into the pit (at least that's what I think I heard) and well, it's my first metal gig so I say yeah, just for the thrill although I have no clue what it is. What I was guessing was that it was the hardcore support thing and some ocassional passing over and stuff. Not too bad. So well, as soon as the music comes on everyone starts to push everyone else about, shove them, jump on them... wrestle them. I'm in awe. What in the fucking hell is going on? Rioting and the thing just started 3 seconds ago. Well, I get pushed around like a bitch, people probably noticing that I'm a rookie, and go from the middle of the place to right in front of the stage to the back of the place and so on. Oh, and don't forget the sides too. So well, for the first song and a half I haven't seen the band at all and I'm just fighting to keep alive (there was a point where I lost my jacket and just swept with one of my feet (my right obviously, I don't have a left foot) and recovered it, and there was another point in time when I was completely knocked over and fell on my arse, where I was stepped on for a while. Good stuff.

I then later (after I made it safely to the back back) that that's what the pit is all about. "Friendly" fighting. Good decision I made, eh? Well, it was great fun, even if it'll hurt a bit tomorrow. The gig goes pretty well, I just get some headaches from time to time (I don't know how people can listen to this stuff constantly).

Then I see that there's a kid, probably aged 16 or around, and he's probably there with his older brother. He tells the kid that he'll lift him up and the rest of the people will carry him to the front. He agrees. So he gets lifted up and lasts about three seconds until he falls on his side. He decides to try again (alright, his brother encourages to try again) and this time he lasts 2 seconds until he falls flat on his head. That was a motherfucking hard hit. People sort of get worried, although in reality they don't really give a shite. But as soon as he gets up (nobody helped him up) and they saw he was crying, everyone burst out in laughter, mocking him for his fagness. Ah, I felt like I belonged there for a minute.

Oh, by the way, remember when I said I stopped drinking? I sort of relapsed while at the gig... but nothing major, just a pint (should've probably chugged down half a litre of vodka!) but well... I guess I can afford one every now and again.

So yeah, that's what I did. Quite an experience. Now that I've got some concert experience (in the most hardcore way) I'll be ready for The Darkness' gig later this month. Ah, yeah, I'll be running the riot in that one...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you mean fuck....

shout-out to tiny. no, he didn't shoot an email.. thanks for pointing out his reply, james.. i would've not noticed otherwise

2:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it isn't a complete i told you so, because it is a comment on the blog so you're half wrong

3:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and no jimmie, you are not good

3:29 AM  

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