The Black Star

A blog dedicated to the series of unfortunate events that always happen around me. Not so much unfortunate, more like funny.. but unfortunate sounds better.

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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Leazes Park dude

So the most surreal thing happened to me a few weeks ago. I was talking to Jimmy and he told me about a time last year when he was walking back to Castle Leazes Halls through the park and he passed by a guy who called out "you alreet?" Jimmy decided to ignore the guy and make a dash towards the entrance of the halls. Then the guy got pissed off at Jimmy for being so rude and snapped at him about how students suck and should all suffer horrible deaths (in perhaps not so many words).

The day after I was walking that same park and I see this bloke that's walking in the other direction. As our paths meet, I hear an indistinguishable "alreet?" I didn't have too much to think, but I decided to respond to him the same way but in English: "Alright?" That seemed to be good enough for him and he peacefully kept skipping past me (or walking, whatever...).

Then when I told Jimmy about that I was asked to describe the dude. I gave him a more or less detailed description of the bloke (that coming from me is a very bad description, but I try) and apparently there's a good chance it might have been the same guy. What are the odds? We've been thinking of sending Vadim on a journey through Leazes Park to see if we make it a hat-trick of encounters.


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