The Black Star

A blog dedicated to the series of unfortunate events that always happen around me. Not so much unfortunate, more like funny.. but unfortunate sounds better.

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Tuesday, November 08, 2005


So I've got news for you all. You should all be careful, because as it turns out Hell does exist. I know it does, I'm 100% sure. How? I've seen it, with my bare eyes.

You probably think I'm exaggerating, but I'm not, I swear that Hell is real. So now you've got to be afraid; be really afraid. However, it might not be what you think it is. As I was walking to my lectures some time ago, I happened to look to my right and saw this black door labled "Hell" under the stairs that lead to one of the uni buildings. I was intrigued, and I thought about asking someone about it, but up to this day I've forgotten to. I'm afraid of what they might say.

So I guess if you're bad, you'll be locked up in that room where you'll freeze to death... well, it's not that cold so you'll probably just be tortured slowly by the cold. My only thought is: you probably wouldn't be too cold, because with all the bad people going to Hell then that means that the room must be well overcrowded, leading to a lot of body heat being transmitted and therefore the cold not kicking in. It's either a motherfucking big room or people are having their own private parties in Hell. I've got to check that out... but then, I will eventually.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Mr. Bedlow's been to Hell! And guess what? It's frozen!! I mean, it's actually proven that hell HAS frozen over! Once I said to him, "ah mr. bedlow, go to hell" and he said "i've been there and now i'm back!" hahaha :) no kidding


11:24 PM  

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