The Black Star

A blog dedicated to the series of unfortunate events that always happen around me. Not so much unfortunate, more like funny.. but unfortunate sounds better.

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Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Today is not Friday

So I had a better title for this entry, but I decided to use this one in order to piss Ercole off.

So a few things happened today. The first thing was that I busted my ankle (yeah, again) when going down the stairs in the lecture theatre today. Painful, but well, I'm sort of used to busting things by now. Why am I telling you this? You'll see later.

So I went to a pub quiz for the Rock Society today. That's right, a rock pub quiz.Well, I went with my flatmate, but we expected to completely suck at it as he knows metal, but old metal, and I know rock, but classic rock (ie nothing recent). But well, it would be a good laugh. Once we get there we're paired with a group of four (teams had to be of six) and well, we kick off. Team Ratamocha (yep, that's what I named the team) al ataque! So anyway, I knew quite a few of them, especially as there were two sections (ie ten questions) on rock (ie classicish rock). The first questions of the quiz was "What year was the first album, App..." and I wrote down 1987 before he could finish the question. If you ask Guns, me know. Then later on there was a question on The Who (who was the drummer that put fireworks on his drums kit and deafened the right eat of his lead singer... of course the legendary Keith Moon) and then others regarding Ozzy Osbourne and a picture round concerning Led Zeppelin. Of course, all the answers I supplied were right. So anyway, we ended up in 3rd place and got the best of prices--shirts. The first place price was HMV vouchers worth £10 (you can't really get anytyhing with that... plus I don't have a CD player...) and second was tickets to a crap band in the Union. The shirts were definitely the best of prizes, because that means that I can go for one day longer without doing the laundry (yes, it is that important for me not to do the laundry...). Anyway, congratulations to Team Ratamocha who exceeded all expectations (and before you say we won because of the other people, it's not true, as we supplied at least half of the answers... so we deserved it as much as anyone else)!

Then we went to a club to celebrate. A punk club. Today I remembered why I hate punk, that shit. Anyway, my mate seemed to enjoy it... but then, he had 13 bloody pints. Anyway, there was this girl behind me that kept stepping on me with her heal (yeah, those big ones) and at first I didn't mind, because well, a mistake is a mistake. Then after she did it a couple of more times it started to piss me off. Don't be sorry, just don't fucking do it again. Then when it kept on happening I just let out a loud "GOD DAMN!" (well, not loud enough for the whole dancefloor to hear, but it was audiable to the few that were close) and it stopped. Seems that's the only way to get people off your back...

The reason why I chose this title for the blog is because today seemed like a Friday, as I didn't do anything and I stayed out until late and am going to bed late (4am). However, I have to go to bed now because tomorrow I'm getting my beer delivered (that's right, beer delivered at home... how much better does it get?). So well, tomorrow will be my latest start ever in a weekday: 12pm. Freaking hell...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you didn't piss me off! i actually started cracking up...bastard

i was wondering why i didn't see a post.... so you posted at 4am GMT? that means i was falling asleep studying for econ... just like now

6:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jimmy! Congrats on the quiz thing!

The comment about the punk club was funny :) hehe well, most of your posts are.

take care!

ooh by the way MUN rocked!

11:14 PM  

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