The Black Star

A blog dedicated to the series of unfortunate events that always happen around me. Not so much unfortunate, more like funny.. but unfortunate sounds better.

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Sunday, November 13, 2005

Today is Sunday

So today was a very productive day. Yes, I managed to finish doing my research, and I did manage to write my essay... twice. That's right. I wrote the first one, and once it was "done" (everything minus conclusion) I noticed that it was way longer than it was supposed to be and it didn't really answer the question well... so what did I do? Start all over again. Ah, painful. But I used a lot of arguements from my previous essay, so it took half the time the other one took (and since it was significantly shorter, that helped). So after my victory over the damn essay, I walked back home... 1 degree celsius. Fuck me.

Anyway, I just found out that one of my flatmates (the rugby guy) went into a gay bar last night. He was looking for cash (apparently gay people pay well and in cash... LOL!) and he went into a club/bar where there was an ATM. And then this guy winks at him. He doesn't know what's going on, he thinks it's because of what he's wearing (all black) so he goes right on ahead... and then it clicks. He says he sprinted out of that place... but he couldn't keep it quiet, now everyone knows. LOL.

Yesterday when walking back to the flat from the club, we saw this girl wearing a very short top and an even shorter skirt. It was fucking cold. Usually you see the girls like that just walking and you wonder how they manage to do it. This one was shaking like a liquadora. Well, that should teach her... and just as I thought that I felt bad for her. But I wasn't gonna give her my jacket, not to a stranger in the middle of the street... unless, of course, she offered something in return...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you missed out on the whole concept, jimmie. she has to offer something in RETURN, but if you never give her anything to begin with, you'll never get the return. Dumbass.

7:20 AM  

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