The Black Star

A blog dedicated to the series of unfortunate events that always happen around me. Not so much unfortunate, more like funny.. but unfortunate sounds better.

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Sunday, May 21, 2006


So I've been quite busy revising for my exams. That's right, I started before the day before. No, I haven't changed... some outside circumstances prompted me to do so. Anyway, I thought I'd update you with some new stuff.

Just now I was taking a break in the common room (an eating break, that is) and two of my flatmates are kicking a football around. I'm just sitting there, eating and watching the telly but keeping a close eye on what they're doing (don't fancy getting knocked out by a stray kick, although they're both quite good controlwise). I finish eating and then go to the kitchen and the next thing I hear is this heavy whining--sort of crying--noise. I turn around and I see Tom (the guy who plays rugby and American football) rolling around on the floor holding his crotch. He's in tears, whining in pain. It was the most hilarious thing I've ever seen. This big strong guy rolling around on the floor crying. Sure, it does hurt when you're hit in the bollocks, but still, you've got to laugh at that. He then went on to say that he had hit "Derek" (one of his bollocks) and that the swollen up might actually make it on par with the other guy as he'd grown recently. Now that wasn't funny--it was just disturbing.

Just yesterday Jimmy and myself went to Steve's for a "friendly" visit. We start talking to him and then one of his flatmates calls out "Jimmie, is that you?" and I respond affirmatively. We keep on rebuking him and Joe finally comes out. "Ah, I thought I'd heard another person." "Yeah, it's Jimmy" I say. He knows what's going on, but that sentence makes him stutter for a couple of seconds before he finds his feet again. It's going to be great fun us two James' living together next year... I reckon we should get a landline just to mess with people when they call the flat.

Anyway, that's my quick update. I'm off to finish my revision, got an exam tomorrow. Thanks for reading!