The Black Star

A blog dedicated to the series of unfortunate events that always happen around me. Not so much unfortunate, more like funny.. but unfortunate sounds better.

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Saturday, July 16, 2005


Hello, my faithful readers. I know you're not there, and if you consider yourself a "faithful" reader then you're not because I've only had three posts, and you can't say you're a "faithful" reader until you've read at least 30 of them (yeah, like the class blog... check it out if you haven't yet).

So I've had some time to think. Yesterday I didn't post because I was piss drunk (and I actually mean that) so my friends got a kick out of that... it's the least I can do to pay them back for all the torturing I've done. Who the hell downs a whole bottle of rum? We do...

So as I've said, I've had time to reflect. I figure that if I was lucky enough to live to tell it (and I have no clue how I got up to my room... although I'm almost sure my friend brought me up) I might as well do. I also figured that I'll never write a blog as good as the Tales of 2005 one... which is sad because that means that one of my greatest achievements is past me. But well, I'm still in contact with my friends, so I'll still get a kick out of it. Okay, I'm done reflecting.

Have you noticed how people usually say that kids don't lie, and that they like kids because they're truthful and they don't backstab you (okay, somebody else must've said it beside Michael Jackson...)? Well, if you think about it, kids are about as worst as it gets (for the exception of serial killers, and people who listen to reggeton). If you really think about it, kids are perhaps the meanest creatures on the face of the earth. They leave other kids out of things (and then make fun of them for not being in their group), they tell you right in their face what they think (i.e. "you're fat", "you're ugly", "I don't like you", "you smell like a seal") and they torture other kids... and adults. They will taunt you in the worst possible moment ("my mom killed herself": "hahahahaha! she probably did it so you would stop bothering her!") and they'll make you miserable in the worst possible time ("so she gave you detention? John and Mrs. Klamp sitting on a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g...!). So much for kids being truthful, huh? Hey, now that I think about it, I'm just a big kid...

Thursday, July 14, 2005


So not much happened today... actually, to be honest, nothing happened today. I still haven't been able to get my sleeping schedule back on track, thanks to Mr. I-like-to-buzz so well... I'm screwed up.

I did make a discovery a few days ago, though. I was looking for something to watch on the guide, and I saw that a special on Oasis had just stared on Fashion TV. I didn't know that channel existed, but whatever, I started to watch it. During the commercial breaks I noticed that there were women all around in underwear and bikinis... of course there were, it's a woman's network! So after the special I stayed watching the channel out of curiousity, and there's this underwear shoot. It was practically porn!

So why would women watch other women half naked? Well, perhaps it's true that all women have a bit of lesbian in them... what other explanation could there be? Maybe FTV is just a facade to satisfy women's inner hidden desires. Now all there is to find out is if they have girl-on-girl porn at midnight...

Note: I was looking for an FTV logo on Google Images, and I typed in "FTV" as my query and out of the 20 results at least 12 were pornographic images... what does that tell you?

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Buzzing the Night Away

What is the one thing that pisses you off the most? A bird taking a dump on you? Falling flat on your face when trying to impress the opposite sex? Being picked on? How about falling flat on your face when trying to impress the opposite sex and then a bird taking a dump on you and then have this guy make fun of you?

Well, one of the things that annoy me the most (you could say piss me off... not too many things piss me off) is being woken up with no purpose. What I mean is, if I'm woken up to go to school or to do something worthwhile (I'm not saying that school is worthwhile, just in case) then okay, it's something you've got to do. But if you're woken up just for the hell of it, that I really hate. And the only thing that I could hate more than that is being awoken abruptly.

So this morning I'm in the middle of my sleep (perhaps not in the middle... but I wasn't close to finishing) and I hear the intercom buzz once. Okay, I can get back to sleep, the only problem is that it buzzes again. And again. And again! And then not only does it buzz again, but it starts buzzing savagely, as if the guy down there is being attacked by a wolf and is buzzing to save his life. So you'd think that I stood up and answered to see who it was, but I was too annoyed to give them that priviledge. So what comes next? They start buzzing in a rhythm! What kind of an idiot does that!? So now I'm really pissed, I can barely contain myself, but I wasn't about to get up and answer... what I started thinking was "what do I have here that I can do without" and then use that something to bang whoever on the head.

Eventually, the pajuo stops... maybe because the lady in the apartment right above the entrance drops a laundry basket on him (although I'd like that more if it were a brick she dropped) or maybe because he just dropped dead (that's even better!). And well, his mission was accomplished, I couldn't go to bed after that... so I've been in a zombie state all day because I got less than 4 hours of sleep. So you know what that means? I won't be a step closer to fixing my biological clock today thanks to the bastard.

But seriously, what normal adult does a thing like that? You have to be an idiot to attempt something like that. Tiny (a friend from high school) would say that he's got balls... I say he's just dumb. We've often had that conversation, where he'd say doing something would be very brave and I'd reply saying it's just plain stupid (because it is, trust me, there's a difference. Walking up to a girl and telling you you had wet dreams about her isn't being brave, it's being everything that's not smart).

Anyway, the point is that I have been the victim of a dumbass today. I really hope he got hit by a car when walking away if he wasn't hurt by the laundry or the brick...

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Well, this is the first entry for The Black Star. Yes, I do know it's pretty obvious, and no, I'm not this dumb all the time. But hey, I had to open up with something.

Okay, now that that's over with, have you noticed that the more you drink, the better the music sounds? It really shows how bad alcohol is. What you usually hear from your parents or your Health teacher is that it kills your brain cells and it stupedens you (see?), but for me the real problem is that it lowers your inhibitions. You see, brain cells are going to die anyway, be it because of pollution or because sniffing chalk (maybe they don't even exist! Maybe they're just made up by boring people to impede us all of having a good time...), but the embarassment that alcohol causes is sometimes irreversible.

For example, yesterday I was at a friend's house and we were having a few drinks. Then a few more drinks, and a few more after those few, which turned out to be not as few. So you could say we were somewhat drunk (well, I had a bit more to drink than my friend, so he was okayish). So well, I started "dancing" to anything he put, even some impressivly awful stuff. And when I say dancing I mean jumping around and hitting all the walls I can find in the process. I swear, I wish I could've knocked myself unconcious.

So well, after a while I got tired of hopping around the room making a fool of myself, so I leaned against the bed... and just started laughing. Yup, for no reason whatsoever. I don't remember what I was saying, but my friend was laughing along with me. And then we started cracking up... it was like a laughing circle! Only that with two people, so it's not a circle... a laughing wall.

Not only does alcohol make crappy music sound better, but it also encourages you to make stupid decisions... like going out for a drive at 3 in the morning and leaving your state...