The Black Star

A blog dedicated to the series of unfortunate events that always happen around me. Not so much unfortunate, more like funny.. but unfortunate sounds better.

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Thursday, October 20, 2005

Irish Guys

So now all of a sudden I'm swamped with work. From one day to the other, just like that. Welcome to university, that's what it is... anyway, I managed to finish my code for a program yesterday so that's one thing out of the way... just one of four. The Dutch Guy has screwed us all! Damn hard linux practical the one he gave us... I won't be laughing at him again anytime soon... although I did see a picture of him online... so hilarious (I'm sorry! I'm sorry!!)!

I think I told you about the importance of Irish accents here in Newcastle. The girls just love Irish accents. This very unattractive guy (so the lass told me) got laid because of his Irish accent. I can't stress how important the accent is. In fact, my Irish flatmate was telling the girls (yeah, it's always plural) about a mate he has, and the first question that came up was "does he have an Irish accent???" He sort of ignored the question and went on to say how he was an attractive guy, an athlete and all... and the next question was "the accent, does he have an Irish accent!?" Yep, it's that important... women.

That's all for now, I've got to go back working my way around the Linux practical (trying, anyway)... Dutch Guy, if you're reading this, I'm sorry I made fun of you, won't do it again... but I've got to say, I terribly miss his lectures!

Weather report: Sunny all day, can you believe it? Even so, colder than most other days. 9 degrees.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Home Delivery

So I'm going to use this entry for some weird (to say the least) things I've seen around here. Actually, it hasn't been as messed up as I expected... as my mate pointed out yesterday, we haven't encountered any hookers, drug dealers or obvious gays.

However, there have been other disturbing things. Right in front of the uni, there's a cathedral/church/religious thing. When you walk close to it, you can see on the main entrance windows "Hate Evil, Love Good." That's perhaps the most fucked up I've ever seen... a church promoting hate... does it get any more ironic than that?

Another aspect of England that you don't see as much in Venezuela is all the ads that go around. It is impossible to take a walk through the city centre (and around) and not end up with one ad on your hands. At the very least you've had 10 of those bloody handouts flashed at you or thrown at you. At the beginning it was cool because you see where the promotions were and the hot places... but seeing that I've already got my guide to Rock Newcastle, that hardly seems relevant. Yet, I always end up with one of those flyers... damn it. Well, yesterday there was actually someone delivering the flyers to our flat. I was shocked at that. She just knocked on our windows and told us there were cheap drinks and hot girls with wet shirts at... and she threw in about 10 flyers (you know, just in case we lose the other 9 we still have a guide of where to go... even though it's the biggest bloody place down by the Central Station). That's just wrong, it's something when they shove the flyers in your face when you're walking in public territory, but when they pollute your flat with that crap? Unacceptable.

Weather Report: Pretty nice day, no sun, obviously, but it's not too cold. It's a bit windy, which makes it a no-go for spending a nice day outdoors reading , but it's a more-than-acceptable day (given the North Eastern standards). 12 degrees.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Odd Odd Odd

So I can't say much happened today as it's only 2, but I'm still going to write my entry because I've got things to discuss. Yesterday was a typical Sunday... we all stayed in (I was in my room until 4, damn) doing work or just sleeping, and then in the evening we watched a couple of films. See, student life is the opposite from high school life. During weekends we don't do anything and we just relax, while on the weekdays we go out. Ah, this life is awesome.

Anyway, there are loads of hot chicks (fit birds) in my uni. I've always told myself that, but then you know I'm partially blind and colour blind. But then it was confirmed by a mate, there are loads of hot chick (fit birds) in the uni. And, it seems a large share of them come from the medical buildings. So I start to wonder: how could it be that all the hot girls are doing medicine? there has to be something to that... it can't be that all the hot girls are also the smartest creatures..." and then it hit me. Slutty nurses.

So today I saw the biggest boobs in the world. Aja, in the world. Fucking huge. I'll tell you, one of them was bigger than my head! And so was the other one! Fucking unbelieavable! And she was still able to walk... somehow. More like lean backwards and let the boobs do that work. It has to be one of the most disgusting things I've seen since I've arrived here.

Weather Report: Not too cold, 12 degrees allegedly. Was standing outside the library waiting for someone and I started to get cold... so not too warm either, I guess.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Films About Ghosts

So yesterday I was supposed to stay in to ease my finances again, but as it turns out I ended up going out... bad bad me. and I ended up spending the same as I did the night before... very bad me.

First we went to play some pool, and that was really good as I seemed to have improved a lot (or is the opposition just bad?) and although I didn't get to beat the top notch player, the games were really close (one ball differences).

Anyway, we're sitting down and talking, and one of my mates says that Queen is overrated and that aside from Bohemian Rhapsody, Queen's repertoire is shit. And then he manages to say that Freddie wasn't a good singer, and right there, that moment, that instant, his glass slips away from his hand and falls to the floor. Then we're all like "it's the ghost of Freddie! don't fuck with Freddie!!!" and he looked all shocked and all. Deserved it for saying that about Queen and Freddie. Classic.