The Black Star

A blog dedicated to the series of unfortunate events that always happen around me. Not so much unfortunate, more like funny.. but unfortunate sounds better.

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Saturday, September 17, 2005


So I'm at Makro with Cal, his girlfriend and Joe. We're there to buy some CD's and some other things and we decide to check out the liquor section. So there are loads of different things, ranging from some crappy unknown vodka to "Something Special" (which was, by the way, half empty... must be really special...). I remember I owe Tiny a bottle of rum (yeah, from that incident...) so I take a look at that. There are two Santa Teresas, one that costs 30 odd thousand and another that costs 12 thousand. What's the difference? Well, I lean in to see and I'm about to grab the sole Santa Teresa bottle when all of sudden this girl just grabs it from almost literally my hands. You have no idea how shocked I was. I was so shocked that I actually managed to to yell (well, not yell, but said in a very loud voice) "what the fuck!?" and that's when they all started cracking up. Calabria and co. and the guys/gals that accompanied the girl.

I didn't really get that pissed off because I wasn't planning on buying it, but if I were I would've just started running behind her and I would've tackled her from behind. Who's rude enough to do something like that? Only in Venezuela. So what's the morale of this story? Nothing, really... just be careful when buying your liquor because there are some liquor-stealing bitches around...

Friday, September 16, 2005


So I'm kind of pissed off at the moment. I like to be on top of technology things, and in order to make sure I am I've got loads of live bookmarks giving me all the latest news on technology (and other things, but technology is dominant there) so that I don't have to browse a shedload of pages to find what's new every day.


You can't get Live Bookmarks (or RSS feeds) with Internet Explorer. The best way to manage your RSS feeds is to do it through a browser (usual RSS programmes work with your email client, for some reason... I find that to be inefficient, but that's me), so I recommend you use Firefox. Perhaps you've seen the Firefox banner at the top of my blog, you can click there and it'll take you directly to the download. There you'll learn all the benefits of Firefox and you'll be given the chance to enhance your internet experience (I advise you take it).


So I'm looking through my feeds yesterday, and I notice this one that says something like "new iPod Nano brings..." and of course, I click on it to see what it was. It turns out it's the new iPod mini but with a different look. But then I read that it has been out in the market for more than a week... and I had no idea! Why hadn't I heard about this thing via my other RSS feeds? I can't tell you how pissed off that made me, but well, I'll give you my own review of this new mp3 player.

The iPod Nano is the new iPod Mini. Basically, it look like your normal iPod, only that it's the size of the shuffle (a bit taller and about twice as long) and it's about an a quarter of an inch thin. What's the secret? Well, instead of working with a hard drive like the normal iPod, it has flash memory. So everything so far looks good... but then it comes in two models: 2GBs and 4GBs. What're you kidding me!? You can't fit anything in there! I mean, sure, you can fit something, but it's not enough. The guy who was reviewing this iPod used the following rationalization: well, it's good because it is mostly an mp3 player you would use for working out and things like that, so you're not going to fill it up with music. Well, that might be a reasonable explanation, but this iPod Nano costs $250 (4 GB) while the normal 20GB is $300. I'd much rather have a bigger iPod where I can fit all my stuff. I know you're probably saying "but you won't use that much space!" Well, I only have 5GB to go on my iPod, so yeah, I can fill that up.

Bottomline is, if you care about looks more than what's inside, then you should go for the Nano. Else, you might aswell fork out an extra $50 and get 16GB more. So I guess we'll see all the girls with their iPod Nano's in the near future... (let that hate mail begin!)

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Meanie Me

So not too much happening today that I'd like to document. I did stumble upon a revelation though, which to be honest, isn't such a big deal. But seeing that I have nothing else to write about, I'll tell you about it.

So I'm speaking with Joe over Gtalk (it's great, seriously... it's almost as if speaking on the phone, only that with a big screen in front of you... and I'm talking about a good phone, not my crap phone(s)) and he asks me if I know about the party. I ask him which one and he gives me the name of this girl, and I remember, I say "oh, that one that had her face like she was hit with a chair..." and then it hit me. I'm meaner than I thought. People always tell me how mean I am, but I've always thought that they were exaggerating. But now I know, I am overly cruel. And that explains why nobody likes me. That might also explain why I don't have a girlfriend...

So I wonder why my friends have been my friends? Well, we all are screwed up, but well... I just know that I don't expect to make any new friends in the future, but well, that's the price to pay to be myself--as Erc would say, a bastard.

I'm so mean... that's why nobody likes me

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Back to Basics

So I've come to the place in my career where it is make or break. You know when artists reach that dry spell in their careers (if they make it that far, because artists of today are crap) and they usually either come up with something extremely amazing that revives their careers and makes them global superstars again or they come up with something extremely shite that fucks up their careers (there it is, the first "fuck" in my blog... you've been waiting for it, haven't you?). Well, I'm hoping for one of the two right now, so just put up with my dry spell and you'll eventually be very pleased.

Anyway, thanks to all you guys that commented on my last post (yeah, Erc and Tiny). Tiny, thanks for the memories man... I have now remembered all those years of high school that I've tried to forget these past two months. My new nickname as of now is "J." That's right, just J. Who came up with it? Me. Why? Because I couldn't think of anything else. So there you have it... I forgot to put that on my previous post.

Well, I thought I'd try to end my dry spell with a situation Cal and I talked about quite some time ago. You all remember Mr. Ahnfeldt (for those of you who don't know him he was this very religious teacher that was always nice, no matter what--even when Tiny hit him in the face with a notebook). Well, he's having another baby. So it seems that he liked doing that thing he did. Anyway, that's not the point. We were imagining what it would be like when Mr. Ahnfeldt's children grew up, and then we tried to imagine Mr. Ahnfeldt's daughter in a tight situation.

Hope (that's his daughter): Daddy... I've got something to tell you.
Ahnfeldt: Go ahead, studess, you can tell me anything!
Hope: It's something bad...
Ahnfedt: There's nothing that can't be fixed. Come on, what was it? Did you throw the bear into the fan? Come on, tell me!
Hope: Well... I'm kinda... well, pregnant...
Ahnfedt: FUCK ME!

And that would be the first bad word Mr. Ahnfeldt would've said in his lifetime. But that won't happen, because we all know that daughters of very religious people don't fornicate, right.... right?

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


So I realised quite a while ago that I really don't have many nicknames. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but it sure is depressing. I'm going to take you through a [brief] guide of my current nicknames.

Right, so there's "Jimmy" or "Jimmie" depending on who you ask. So that's what my friends and people close to me call me. My family has been calling me that ever since I can't remember (as they can't pronounce my actual name, how great is that?) and that's why I decided to alter the spelling for my friends to use (to the latter).

That's about it, really. How sad is that? ONE nickname... well, I do have another one that I've acquired recently. That would be Lionel Ritchie, although I really don't look anything like the bloke. (Refer to the blog entry with the pictures). However, that's a temporary nickname and it'll soon be gone when I cut my hair. Just like Mijagi (hate you Tiny, I do), but that's not relevant now because my goatee is gone. You know, that's very interesting... I bother Tiny the most (and the only reason why I haven't made fun of him lately is because I haven't seen him in a while) and he's the one that came up with both of those two nicknames (or insults). Good job, Tiny, I'm proud of you... getting back at me.

That's all I've got to say today. I know, a crappy entry, but I really don't have much to say... plus, you could say I'm not in the writing mood at the moment; I'm just writing to kill time.

Life's a bitch. Give it a bitch-slap.

Note: If you want to add some of my nicknames (you people that know me) that I've left out then please leave them as a comment. I reserve the right to delete them if I don't approve of them.

Monday, September 12, 2005

A Complete Phone

So now that I'm staying, I've decided that I'm definitely going to change my phone. For those of you that know, I've had this same phone for over three years, which means that it's old, battered, and it's in green and black (aka not color).

You see, I've had to put up with a phone that only receives about half the calls that are made for quite a while. That means that sometimes my friends would call me and it would either appear as if ringing or it would appear busy or off. Other times it meant that stray calls and other calls from unwanted people got lost, which is somewhat like a (very crappy) spam filter. Anyway, as of late, half the text messages that I tried to send would not be sent, and the ones that were would arrive late (although I guess you could blame part of that on Movicrap, but it also has to do with my phone). But I really decided to get rid of it when I found out that I could no longer make calls. That's right, I've got a phone that I can't call with, or receive calls for that matter. So what's the point of this phone, then? Well, I guess it could be used as a crappy arcade (the only games it has are black jack and slot machine) and as a phone directory, although since some of the keys have stopped working I wouldn't be surprised if I couldn't use the directory in the near future.

Well, that's it. I still haven't received the complaints from the "women post"... girls, if you're calling me then don't, I'm not receiving your calls... email me. Seriously, I want those complaints...

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Magic Money Tree (MMT)

So I'm going to write about something that's old but that I've never mentioned before. It has to do with Calabria... and money. If you're curious read on, if not then go find yourself another blog (please don't leave).

Ever since I've known Cal (that's about 6 years now), his pants have grown money. I'm serious. Everytime we go to the movies or go out to do something there's always a line "man, I have no money..." but then it's always followed by Cal looking in his pockets and finding some dosh. ALWAYS! It pisses me off! I've enquired various times where he buys these pants, but he won't disclose (for obvious reasons). And I'm not talking pocket change, this guy actually finds 10.000 Bs. bills and all... it's a very good business for him... I wonder how much he payed for these magic pants.

Now we've grown up, and Cal has a car. Well, guess what, this car of his also grows money! We were on our way to Reda and he asks me if I have cash, because he just spent all of his at the movies. I tell him I do, but just as I do he looks in the ashtray and finds 7 thousand Bs. Isn't that great? I wonder what else of his grows money...

Anyway, Cal's starting university on Monday... good luck to him. Stay away from the queer peoples... I've heard that they try to get in your pants just for your money ;)