The Black Star

A blog dedicated to the series of unfortunate events that always happen around me. Not so much unfortunate, more like funny.. but unfortunate sounds better.

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Saturday, October 08, 2005

Footy madness

So today I woke up at 1 pm. That's right, I slept through all the morning, good for me! I guess waking up at 7:40 am most days for the past weeks has taken its toll on me (well, I actually planned everything so that I wouldn't wake up before 11). Anyway, that reminded me of my good vacation days...

Today I went to watch the footy at the pub. England played Austria, and although it wasn't the best of matches (crap if you want me to be honest) the atmosphere was brilliant. I had never experienced something like that (on the footy front, anyway) and that only means that I'll make sure I watch England play Poland on Tuesday even if it is a useless game.

The second half was a bit boring, though... only two things of note happened, which were Beckham getting booked and then Beckham getting sent off. And I happened to be in the bathroom when they both occured... lucky me, eh? I go into the toilets and peacefully take a pee and then went I make my way back into "civilization" I see that Beckham has recieved a second yellow... but how, I never saw the first! Yeah... I wonder how long I was in there for...

Friday, October 07, 2005

Let There Be Rock!!!

So today I got myself a speaker system (I wonder what I'll get tomorrow... a DVD player?). I actually saw them about four days ago, but I didn't buy them because... well, I'm on a low budget, but also because they looked sort of crappy. I went out with my flatmate and I showed them to him, and then I decided I should get them (my ears were killing me from those bloody in-ear earphones) as that way I'd be able to play my music out loud and avoid having to listen to whatever the other people in the building were playing (sometimes it's up to three different songs all at once).

They cost me the grand total of £15 (which is nothing, compared to the systems that I saw priced at 100+ quid). I figured if they'd be crappy but good enough for my use (my room is tiny, so it doesn't take much to make sound go around... I bet if I turned my iPod's volume up to the max I could hear the music almost perfectly through my earphones without having them on) but then once I set them up they turned out to be very damn good. So good that my flatmate now wants to buy himself the same ones.

Now I get to play my music very loud and make everyone else in the flat listen to it. I take requests from time to time, so it's not that bad. But the bass is amazing, perhaps my best buy since I've been in the UK (it's a competition between this and the mobile).

I can't wait until that Spaniard plays Reggaeton again (oh, yeah, there's a Spaniard on the flat above mine that played Reggaeton on her birthday... sad day for humanity, that was) so that I can shut her up with some good ol' rock n' roll.

Thursday, October 06, 2005


So I finally got myself a mobile phone. I've been in England for two weeks and I managed to survive with what most people would call a "survival gadget" (everyone in my class has a mobile phone). I've never been too keen on mobile phones (or phones in general) so it wasn't a priority for me, but I finally decided to get one.

I got the cheapest mobile that I could find (and even so it kicks ass compared to the ones back home...) and that was £40... I could've paid double for a phone with a camera, but I decided for the Nokia instead of the Samsung (I really fell out with my mobile at home... which happened to be a Samsung). So they gave me 70 free texts (worth £5... which I guess is really good as it's really hard to get free stuff here in the UK, although this would be the third time in two weeks that I get something for free) and my crappy mobile, which I had to charge for 10 hours (can you believe I actually did that?).

As it turns out, getting that mobile is perhaps one of the best things I've done since I got to the UK. Ever since I got it I've been recieving loads of texts from girls (all of a sudden I'm popular) and it even with a girl coming to visit me at my flat...

hasta ahi se las dejo

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


So this time I have a proper entry (you know, not those crappy ones I've been doing of late). About time, innit?

Anyway, quite a lot has happened since the last entry. The best thing that happened, though, was during my marketing class. To give you some background information, my marketing professor isn't exactly the most manly of guys (aka he's "delicate"). There, that's your background information. So he's telling us about some things related to marketing (no kidding!) and suddently the microphone starts to fail. He keeps on trying to speak on it, but it keeps cutting him off. But you see, he's like this rat that won't give up, and he keeps on attempting to speak on the microphone. Meanwhile, we're all laughing at the guy... and he keeps on trying to speak. So finally he realizes that perhaps he won't be able to use it, so he says "well, I guess I'm going to have to speak loudly... can you hear me on the back?" and this guy yells back "no!" So I guess he could read lips...

Anyway, that lecture was very hard to follow, not only because we had to try to hear his "delicate" voice, but because it seemed that everyone was dying. I can tell you that there were at least 20 people coughing each minute. The same thing happened during induction week, only that the guy had a microphone then so the rest of us living people could hear what was going on.

And as if that wasn't enough (the stupidity and the dying people), everyone decided to form a conspiracy against the professor. They decided they wouldn't answer any questions. So when he asked "so is there anyone that can tell me what type of market this is?" suddenly the whole room would go quiet (the dying people either held it in or just finished off dying) and he'd just look around, then look around again (see a pattern emerging?) and then give up with "okay, well, this is a...".

I'm hoping that Marketing will be the new Psychology, that would rock. Now that I've found my favourite class, I'm still in the search for the Geordie Tiny.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Another boring entry late at night

So I'm here in a computer cluster with a bunch of unknown people at 10:30pm just so I can chat with some of my mates back home.

And that's what I decided to do today... I thought I'd dedicate a day to talking to my mates before I got homesick (can you believe that out of the 6 people in my flat I'm the only one that hasn't gotten homesick yet?). So well, here I am, waiting... Cal's online, but he won't talk to me... why!?

Anyway, today was kind of a weird day. I had a late start (which means 10am... bastards, most of my flatmates have an early start at 11) and my lectures were actually short. One of my computing classes took 40 mins and my marketing lecture was only 20 mins. Will it always be like that? Oh, I can only wish. Tomorrow I've got a good day. Late start, at 10 again, and then only two lectures up to 12. Then I've got the rest of the day free so I can finish buying the stuff I need (everyone has the afternoon off on Weds). I wonder if the other people have any lectures tomorrow... it seems I'm the only person who has more than two lectures a day... the double of that, actually. One of my flatmates only has 5 lectures in the week! And he's got Friday off! See, if I would've done my uni research right I would've been doing that course instead of IS. IS, it seems, is the course with the biggest workload (even more than CS) after the medical sciences. The rest are just bums.

Okay, so let's see, something funny... I can't really say anything funny because I still haven't gotten to know people well enough to make fun of them. I hope I meet the English version of Tiny fast so I can entertain myself.

Ah, screw this. If nobody logs in in the next 30 mins I'm off.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Rock And Roll All Night

So I went to a KISS tribute band gig yesterday. I've got to say, they weren't KISS, but they're the closest thing around. Very good entertainment, all all just for a quid. Not bad, eh?

The real entertaining part was Gene Simmons (well, not him, but the guy doing him) not only because of his outrageous blood stunts and fire spitting spectacle (which, btw, ended up setting one of the stage lights on fire for a few seconds), but because of his antics with this (very) hot chick in the front row. It turns out that this guy also has an abnormally long tongue, and he kept licking away at this chick (literally on occasions). I can understand why... she was hotter than hell (see what I did there?)!!!

I don't know what more I can tell you... it was just loads of drunk KISS diehard fans bashing away and falling on their asses and all. The gig ended with everyone screaming out Rock N Roll All Nite and then the KISS tribute band limping off the stage (they played for about two hours in their huge unconfy costumes... I was exhausted and I was only standing there, can't imagine them). Most of the guys congratulated the lead guitarist for his audacious licks (guitar licks, that is) and "Simmons" dissapeared... as did the girl. I wonder where they went... and mind, he's not the real Simmons!

So Ryan (my flatmate) and I get back to our flat and guess what... the girls are there again! Shock. Well, things ended (for me anyway) when another flatmate went off chasing the girls because he needed a "fag." He was knackered and all, but he went out to this boat party just because of a cigarrette... now that's what I call nicotine addiction...

Sunday, October 02, 2005

The Bastards

So I'm not sure what I should be writing. To be honest, I can only remember the past week or so as if it were one long day... with many breaks and fogginess... if that makes sense. I can tell you as much as I remember though.

Today I went to watch the Liverpool vs. Chelsea match in the pub with some of my flatmates (one a Chelsea fan and the other a Liverpool fan). It was good, although Chelsea hammered Liverpool. Anyway, I only had 4 pints to drink, but for some reason I got drunk off that. Not too drunk, but I did get woozy and sleepy. So sleepy that I got into my flat (not even my room) and I laid down on the couches and fell asleep. About two hours later I woke up to find that I was surrounded by people (all my flatmates and then, of course, the girls from above). I was greeted with a "ehhh! James is up!!" I had no idea what to do. But I did have a tremendous urge to piss, so I did (not there, but I went to the bathroom and pissed... I wasn't that drunk).

After that we went upstairs to the girls' flat (for a change) to watch Nemo. I must've still had some alcohol in my bloodstream because for some reason one of the girls said "sea cucumber" and I started to laugh like a maniac. Nothing much happened after that, to be honest. I think.

Anyway, I thought I'd post my flatmates' nicknames and my own, seeing that they were created with lots of love and affection. The Irishman is the Drunken Irish Bastard (because he's always drunk, he's Irish, and he manages to get all the ladies...). Then the Londoner is the Southern Bastard. There's a guy from Teeside, and I'm not sure if he has a proper nickname, but he's the Boro Lover (as said by the Drunken Irish Bastard). Then that leaves the Mancunian Wank and the Foreigner (that's me). That's all I've heard them call me, but I bet that behind my back it's the Foreign Bastard or something like that. So as you see things haven't changed much... I'm still a bastard.